Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] [adj] on [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Post Office and health workers staged warning strikes , and in the Fier district , oil industry workers went on strike from Nov. 13 , despite an earlier strike having been deemed illegal on Nov. 4 at a meeting of the Council of Ministers .
2 Some 1,100 of BCCI 's 1,260 staff in the UK were given redundancy notices ; 80 per cent of the bank 's 480 employees in the UAE had been made redundant on Oct. 2 .
3 His predecessor , Expedito Ribeiro de Souza , had been shot dead on Feb. 2 ; police arrested a suspect who claimed that he had been hired by a local landowner to carry out the killing .
4 Diro , suspended from government duties since April , had been found guilty on Sept. 27 by a specially appointed tribunal , after hearings lasting nearly four years [ see p. 36936 for August 1988 Supreme Court ruling against the bringing of earlier perjury charges ] , on 81 charges of corruption .
5 I 've been told that on Tuesday .
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