Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] [adv] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 The restoration of this historic fighter has been completed right down to the last detail , it carries a complete set of camera ports , although the cameras have not been fitted .
2 Most of the material so far has been keyed directly on to a computer housed at Guildhall Library .
3 ‘ Could the body have been dumped straight on to the shoal ? ’
4 He noticed that the ink was blacker , showing how each word had been pressed hard on to the paper .
5 A hastily assembled group of the famous 75s had been pushed forward on to Froideterre , and its lethal barrage had given one of the fresh divisions of XX Corps just enough time to move up through the ebbing debris of de Bonneval 's 37th African Division and establish a firm line from Bras to Haudromont .
6 As she hunted for a worn pair of leather gloves in the pocket of her pelisse , she did not appear to notice that she had been pulled closely in to the gentleman for a few brief seconds .
7 We soon discovered the reason why — the floorboards had been laid directly on to earth . ’
8 Although it is rare to see a carpet that 's been worn right down to its backing they can often look worn .
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