Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The section has been amended recently by new section 62A , which , by virtue of secondary legislation , makes clear that s.62 is intended , inter alia , to cover insider dealing .
2 All my work , whether original or adapted , has been written more for personal reasons than to fit any perceived format or genre .
3 This leads to the Maxwell-Bloch equations , which are the basis for the subsequent treatment : where the Rabi frequency has been written explicitly in polar form , G is a coupling constant and <> allows for a velocity average over the Maxwellian distribution of longitudinal velocities of the atoms .
4 Much has been written recently about hourly rates of charge .
5 The Primary Enterprise Pack — This support pack has been developed especially for primary school teachers by the Polytechnic of North London .
6 The prison population at Pentonville has been cut sharply in recent years , from more than 1,000 to about 600 , and most inmates now have their own cells .
7 The company was also selected to undertake the Group 's Total Quality Management initiative and good progress has been recorded both in improved cost efficiency and service to customers .
8 This means it has been grown slowly to full maturity , fattened on food containing no animal protein and at least 70 per cent cereal , and reared without the use of any antibiotics or growth-promoting additives .
9 It has been done before in similar circumstances .
10 It has been increased twice in recent months .
11 Reference has been made above to unlawful sexual intercourse .
12 Adjustment has been made throughout for intra-industry bulk Scotch Whisky sales .
13 He said : ‘ We know the money has been frittered away through gross incompetence and mismanagement .
14 Support for Indian influence has been given also by certain Aboriginal elders and initiates with whom I have conversed , and my explorations in India into serpent worship have strongly indicated that the concept of the Rainbow Serpent could be a direct transposition from Indian serpent lore .
15 The motility of the left hemicolon in its normal position has been studied only in recent years .
16 An important policy matter which has been aired occasionally in recent years is the size of academic library collections , compared with the amount of use they receive .
17 What data exists on broad vegetation types for the uplands has been extracted mainly from French Agriculture Ministry sources .
18 This has usually been rejected , on the grounds that other sources suggest that Hastings was executed rather than murdered-Armstrong going so far as to suggest that such a murder would be un-English and that Mancini has been led astray by Italian precedents .
19 This has usually been rejected , on the grounds that other sources suggest that Hastings was executed rather than murdered-Armstrong going so far as to suggest that such a murder would be un-English and that Mancini has been led astray by Italian precedents .
20 The difference in alteration between tissue type plasminogen activator antigen and activity , and urokinase type plasminogen activator antigen and activity in columnar epithelial carcinomas has been seen before in colonic neoplasia and is a consequence of the complex regulation mechanism of the activity of both proteases .
21 The excavation — directed by Peter Stead of Exeter Museum — has been funded jointly by English Heritage and South West Water to the tune of £250,000 .
22 However , having read the notes accompanying the application form , it seemed that the work we wish to carry out does not require the formal Consent , since the work falls under Section ( a ) of Class III of the exceptions listed in paragraph 2 , ie. works of repair or maintainance not involving a material alteration to a monument , and this opinion has been confirmed verbally by British Waterways themselves .
23 Moreover it ‘ has been confirmed independently from various Soviet sources ’ that ‘ Moscow finds Latin American offerings attractive ’ ( Blasier : 1983 , p. 50 ) .
24 It is , therefore , a site of some strategic significance in any military context , a fact which has been recognized continuously since Roman times , when , at least under Agricola if not before , a fort was established here .
25 Among the canonist collectors and commentators at Bologna ( and probably also in Rome from time to time ) were the Englishmen , Gilbert and Alan , whose importance in canon law scholarship has been recognized only in recent years .
26 I think that Englishness , for all that we pull it to bits , had a certain important moral structure , which has been eaten away by unchecked competition , an underground civil war breaking our roots .
27 MANKIND 'S eternal quest for knowledge about the Universe has been fired afresh in recent years by the spectacular revolution brought about by new astronomy and space technology .
28 This domino method of criminal justice has been repeated elsewhere with dubious results .
29 The application of these ideas to established urban areas has been obstructed both by public expenditure restrictions and by community opposition to new road construction .
30 In these cases a one nucleotide ‘ creep ’ of the blocked transcript was observed over the 15 min elongation time studied , as has been noted previously with other intercalators ( 11 ) .
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