Example sentences of "have been [adj] of [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Rowlands has been critical of Welsh officials who went to the SA Rugby Board celebrations .
2 But the discharge may be refused or postponed if he has been guilty of certain offences or misconduct in connection with the bankruptcy , or if his assets are insufficient for the payment of 50p in the £ , unless this is shown not to be due to the debtor 's fault .
3 has been guilty of fraudulent trading contrary to s. 458 of the Companies Act 1985 ;
4 Of course if her doctor has been guilty of serious neglect , you and your parent may decide that you should lodge a complaint with the local Community Health Council , whose job is to represent to the Area Health Authority the interests of the public in the district in which it operates .
5 12–7– They dealt with " Mary Trotter who before joining the Free Church has been guilty of antenuptial fornication and that while a communicant . "
6 Damaris discovers that she has been guilty of intellectual sin in failing to believe , to realize imaginatively , the nature of the material she is studying .
7 Throughout the postwar period , Yugoslavia has been short of foreign exchange , and never more so than in the 1980s .
8 " As you know , Sara , your aunt 's income has been dwindling of late years — she was very careless of investments and spent too much of her capital .
9 He had normal hearing all his life and would have been unaware of deaf people if he had not been " adopted " as a young orphan by the Rev J Jennings , a deaf mute minister and founder of the South London Gospel Mission to the Deaf and Dumb .
10 Under the old law of larceny he may not have been guilty of attempted larceny .
11 Without the qualification , Johnson felt the remark would have been devoid of enjoyable meaning .
12 Ely , for example , had already received the bulk of the lands it held in 1086 , and the same may well have been true of other foundations such as Glastonbury , Abingdon and the Old and New Minsters in Winchester .
13 This may have been true of strict Evangelicals , particularly the Calvinists , the dissenting groups such as the Plymouth Brethren , but in the population of the cities where churchgoing had fallen steeply , fire and brimstone were losing their power to terrify .
14 Blagg would have been dead of old age before we got clearance . ’
15 He saw Preobrazhensky as viewing the problem only in terms of struggle and confrontation , which would have been disruptive of social equilibrium .
16 Editor , — The working party set up to make recommendations on a national standard of entry into general practice seems to have been unaware of European Community directive 86/457/EEC .
17 He was therefore held to have been guilty of contributory negligence and the widow 's damages reduced .
18 Old William Cranko and his nephew Frederick both seem to have been fond of feminine company .
19 The same seems to have been true of other clubs .
20 Although Alex Salmond was chided by party activists during the march , the turnout of around 5,000 buoyed up party managers who had been fearful of low attendance after the MPs ' decision to vote with the Government last Monday night in the Commons in exchange for party representation on the Committee of the Regions .
21 At the trial of the action in 1979 Reeve J declined to take into account the supervening spinal disease and awarded damages on the basis that the plaintiff had been capable of light work , not on the basis that he had been incapable of work since 1976 in consequence of a disease for which his employers were in no way responsible .
22 Under the Common Law , proof that the plaintiff had been guilty of contributory negligence , and that he had the ‘ last opportunity ’ of avoiding the accident , entirely deprived him of his remedy .
23 Public protest followed a judge who fined a rapist 2,000 after asserting that the woman had been guilty of contributory negligence by hitch-hiking .
24 Equally , in the case of John Main at Inverkeithing , he and his two fellow excisemen were threatened with the board 's displeasure in 1752 , when the collector of Bo'ness accepted , without any enquiry into the facts , an allegation that they had been guilty of excessive drinking and had thereby neglected their duties .
25 The Monis government had been guilty of foolish panic , the Marne growers of mob violence .
26 Already after the first raid in August 1943 , SD agencies in Lower Franconia reported widespread shock and depression among the population , even among the previously ‘ reliable ’ sections who had been convinced of German victory .
27 The potential if the train had been full of toxic chemicals could have been horrific . ’
28 The next day the TV critic of the Express noted that the Telethon had been full of publicity-grabbing TV stars jostling to exploit the programme for their own careers .
29 Ever since entering the hulk Jaq had been aware of daemonic shielding .
30 For three years I 've been wary of deep water .
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