Example sentences of "have been [verb] as [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 He and his uncle had visited the Governor in Asba Tafari and there they had been detained as hostages for the good behaviour of the Asaimara ; his uncle 's refusal to guarantee my safety in Bahdu had led to my recall .
2 Two important enemy locations had been identified as objectives for the Royals .
3 Mr. Tony Favell , supported by Mr. David Harris , presented a Bill to remove from registers of common land and registers of town or village greens dwellinghouses registered under the Commons Registration Act 1965 which had been used as dwellinghouses for a minimum of twenty years immediately prior to the commencement of that Act ; and for purposes connected therewith : And the same was read the First time ; and ordered to be read a Second time on Friday 24 February and to be printed .
4 Throughout the trial the brothers had maintained that they had been working as agents for the British Government in Dublin .
5 Two DCSLs mentioned schools which had been included as Minors for " political " reasons .
6 Captain Ian Smith and Peter Jones were playing in the Scottish Trial ; both have been selected as replacements for the Calcutta Cup .
7 The answer is none of these things have been undertaken as strategies for the church .
8 Solar irradiance fluctuations have been proposed as a possible explanation for these discrepancies , and various solar properties ( for example , radius , smoothed sunspot number or cycle length ) have been suggested as proxies for solar irradiance variations in the absence of direct data .
9 The cubeoctahedron , dodecahedron , icosahedron and various other semi and demi-regular solids have been used as models for geodesic domes .
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