Example sentences of "have been [verb] by [adj] people " in BNC.

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1 The rape victim was able to give such a good description , that an artist 's impression has been recognised by several people .
2 Much has been lost by various people in many different ways .
3 Sarah Sabin , 27 , who has a studio in Trinity Street , Colchester , has been assisted by local people in creating a map of the area , including roads , buildings and other major landmarks .
4 The September issue of Catholic Voice , our diocesan newspaper , carried an insert — four pages giving an overview of the diocese — what has been done by many people — clergy and laity — during recent years — what should be developed or initiated , together with a general account of the financial position .
5 Meanwhile , the British Red Cross has been contacted by many people across the region offering accommdation and help if more wounded from the former Yugoslavia are brought here in future .
6 A further point in relation to the accusation of the ethnocentricity of Freud 's assumptions about gender roles has been made by some people in the Women 's Movement , such as Kate Millet and Ann Oakley .
7 ‘ We are worried about compensation claims from passive smokers whose health has been damaged by other people 's bad habits , ’ said councillor Frank Anderson .
8 Aware that society has been constructed by able-bodied people in ways which serve and perpetuate their own interests , these people have used our consequential marginalisation and dependence not as a starting-point for developing with us a struggle for social change and equal opportunities , but as a handy and convenient fact to justify the development of all the inappropriate disability services with which we are now so familiar .
9 And has been said by several people who are here .
10 When it is said in Psalms that the enemies will be smitten in the ‘ hinder parts ’ it has been thought by many people to refer to haemorrhoids , but the description could equally refer to the anal manifestations of secondary syphilis , condylomata lata .
11 It has been signed by 5,851 people .
12 Coal names : A Coal Not Dole petition at the Liscard Shopping Centre has been signed by 3,000 people .
13 The term ’ perceptron ’ has been used by different people to mean different things , but its definition seems to have stabilised by now .
14 Much legislation to control pollution has been triggered by ordinary people but even if that does n't happen , acting on your fears can make you feel less helpless .
15 We 'd been visited by 700 people .
16 For instance most of this debate would not have been understood by many people in my parish .
17 ‘ Whoever it is has presumably been coming regularly since last November so he or she must have been seen by other people .
18 Best-known to the general public perhaps , are experiments where reconstructions of early boats and ships have been used to follow and thus test the feasibility of migration routes which might have been used by ancient people , such as the experiments conducted by Thor Heyerdahl .
19 The separate fields may have been supplied by different people or they may all be in separate parts of the mind of the same person .
20 A £2,000 reward had been raised by local people after the killings for information leading to those responsible .
21 Northumbrian Water offices have received telephone inquiries and Labour 's Stuart Bell said he had been contacted by numerous people claiming they were having to pay more .
22 She added that the festival had been attended by more people than ever before , and that by celebrating it in a smaller town , away from the more sophisticated attractions of Bogotá , the festival had a more genuine , grassroots character .
23 Believing still that the catastrophe had been caused by other people and the actions of other people , believing it as firmly as Kate believed that it had been caused by devils and Quentin that it was part of God 's mystery , Lavinia saw a spark in the gloom .
24 She said the spending had been criticised by some people as irresponsible .
25 Days before the explosions the water company had been told by local people of the strong smell of gas in the district , but it had not ordered an evacuation .
26 She had been guaranteed by several people and entered Michael Hall School .
27 Now I 've been told by other people who 've er erm gone down this route that I 'm proposing to follow with L E As that erm there are two ways round it .
28 Elstree is not able to take all the aviation business that 's been displaced for weeks that I know of and , and for Hatfield I 've been notified by two people who are at present at Hatfield , one of whom is going to move to Stansted .
29 The witnesses told the court since going to the police they 've been intimidated by certain people on the estate .
30 The witnesses told the court since going to the police they 've been intimidated by certain people on the estate .
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