Example sentences of "have been [verb] for [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The analysis described above has been criticized for treating debt and taxation asymmetrically .
2 One anthropologist who studied an even more elaborately created system of autonomy than the Zuwaya 's has been criticized for ignoring routine and frequent contact between autonomous leaders and state governments : so it is academically important to probe into the actual relations of Zuwaya and Magharba with the Turkish authorities .
3 Thus the Vienna Sales Convention has been criticized for excluding questions relating to the validity of the contract of sale , the transfer of property , or the resolution of property disputes between the seller or buyer and a third party .
4 It will look at the part played by pressure groups in the system , and it will examine the case that has been made for regarding democracy as significantly undermined by ‘ political elites ’ .
5 A new board game featuring the so-called rave culture has been condemned for promoting drug abuse .
6 It is difficult to see what will happen then , but no trade unionist has been jailed for taking part in trade union activities for 20 years . ’
7 In its experience , most workstations are employed as single-user ( albeit multitasking ) systems , and in any case — as Sun is only too aware — there is very little application software around that has been optimised for multiprocessing architectures .
8 A COUNCIL-owned bus company has been attacked for carrying tobacco advertising on school buses .
9 The paper has been criticised for hiring David Irving — an alleged Nazi sympathiser — to edit the diaries of one of Hitler 's chief henchmen .
10 Morrison , who has been criticised for standing mobile in front of opponents , fought a smart fight against the old man of boxing , moving in and out of range to throw punches .
11 Japan , for instance , has political support for such assistance , but the report points out that the body implementing bilateral aid programmes has been criticised for tying aid too closely to Japanese commercial interests , such as its high-technology products .
12 The main method which has been used for obtaining chromosome preparations from pre-implantation embryos is again that of Tarkowski ( 5 ) and it is described in Table 2 .
13 It is understood that a top fraud officer has been carpeted for leaking information .
14 A sewage leak has been blamed for polluting Scarborough 's Valley Road pond near the seafront , and killing fish .
15 Not long ago you could have been prosecuted for owning gold .
16 He recommended Richard Coppin [ q.v. ] as his successor and emigrated to Barbados in about 1655 , where he may later have been investigated for organizing conventicles .
17 Some well-made metal fish-hooks were found at Gournia ( Figure 36B ) , together with a lead sinker for a fishing line and some stones which could have been used for weighing nets .
18 It is certain that the Leapors would have been aware of the changes going on around them , especially since Philip Leapor would have been hired for landscaping projects .
19 Desperately remote though it seems , this forest has in its time been much worked , beech wood having been prized for making oars for ships and sent off in great quantities to the coast .
20 It ranges from the Dean 's having been arrested for murdering Paul Gray to the Bishop 's having hired Lord Cumbermound 's beagles to track down the corpse . ’
21 In November 1638 John Elliott was in prison , having been fined for carrying venison stolen in Windsor Forest to London , ‘ contrary to the laws of the forest ’ .
22 When the medieval roof of St Botolph 's , Hadstock , Essex , was being recorded in 1974 a number of eighteenth-century coffin boards were found , having been used for running repairs .
23 Sipping lager , we gazed at the front-page face of a dour middle-aged nurse who had been sacked for making porno movies on hospital premises .
24 On Nov. 25 and 27 a Beirut-based dissident Shia Moslem group , the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution of Iraq , claimed that 4,500 opposition Moslem fundamentalists , mostly students , had been arrested for distributing leaflets and painting slogans criticizing the regime of Saddam Hussein .
25 Gert had been reported for selling torch batteries , which he said his employer had given him .
26 In this chapter , techniques have been presented for smoothing time series data .
27 Resistivity methods have been developed for investigating fracturing in boreholes .
28 In addition , a series of indices have been developed for demonstrating breakage in the skull and mandible , recognizing several stages of breakage of the bones and loss of the teeth from the jaws .
29 This is perhaps not surprising since from the earliest stages of domestication , dogs have been kept for guarding purposes .
30 DARLINGTON police have been criticised for forcing nightclubs to close an hour early on Saturday when British Summer Time began .
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