Example sentences of "have you [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The first location has you trapped in a lonely , deserted pub called ‘ The Nobody Inn ’ where you meet a depressed dragon who complains there are n't any virgins to kidnap these days … ( except Phil King of course , heh , heh ! )
2 The astonishing image manipulation routines will have you drawing until the early hours , we have already used it to manipulate some of the pictures shown in this section .
3 Would it have been better had you gone to the other jobs ?
4 I had you figured as a dedicated humbucker user …
5 Have you gone for the longer length ?
6 And how much corruption have you discovered in the Socialist Party ?
7 Have you fallen for the coy-virgin act , my darling ?
8 What assumptions have you made about the relative priority of the various conditions ?
9 Have you planned for the longest holiday of your life — your retirement ?
10 How many partitions have you got in the hard disk ?
11 Which of the other items on this list if any , have you collected in the last year ?
12 ‘ And what have you done with the old car ? ’
13 What choice have you given to the seventy five families that tonight are in bed and breakfast in this city with children ?
14 What choice have you given to the hundred thousand people , hundred thousand people , whose mortgages have been repossessed , who have been made homeless by the policies of your Government ?
15 HAVE you heard about the dyslexic devil worshipper ?
16 Oh God you have n't , have you heard about the fifth year toilet yet ?
17 Have you heard about the Tory moderate who hit the cheerful-looking palmist on the nose ?
18 Have you heard about the big stink along in Information ? ’
19 Have you heard about the intended evacuation ? ’
20 Erm have you heard of a many- one mapping ?
21 Have you heard of the Thirty Years War ?
22 Have you heard of the Penal Times ?
23 Never mind the West Indies , have you heard of the Wet & Windies ?
24 Firstly have you heard of the British Philatelic Bureau ?
25 Furthermore , have you noted in a different place : ( a ) ( i ) Metternich 's System .
26 How many gigs have you missed in the last few months ? ’
27 Who have you met among the homeless that 's surprised you ? ’
28 And which have you used during the last year ?
29 Which search firms have you used over the past five years ?
30 Have you looked at the daily chart she fills in that records all those details ? ’ asked Tom .
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