Example sentences of "have to [be] [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 He insisted that public cash was restricted to launch-aid , which has to be repaid on the sale of aircraft .
2 An Enduring Power of Attorney has to be made on a special form and you should seek legal advice before making one .
3 Secondly , in this chair where the back legs are at an angle to the front , compensation has to be made on the back mortise , otherwise the whole seat frame will end up on the skew .
4 Writing the research report , perhaps in the form of a book This can be a very lengthy process , depending on the amount of work that has to be done on the data collected .
5 It 's possible , I suppose , but I think a lot of research has to be done on the way interaction takes place .
6 The Hubbards have access to a small garden , but they have no running hot water : all water has to be heated on the gas stove .
7 The alteration of text and individual notes and symbols has to be achieved on the music screen .
8 A statute for peasants has to be written on a single sheet of paper " .
9 However , the future has to be built on a clear understanding of the new power relationships ; there can be little progress or security if foundation stones are laid on the shifting sands of discontent which campaign against or refuse to acknowledge the times in which the education service is being delivered .
10 The order for reference has to be served on the arbitrator as well as the parties , but only when such sum for the arbitrator 's fees as the district judge determines has been paid into court ( Ord 19 , r 4 ) .
11 This view is a direct consequence of the state-centrist approach , and has to be rejected on the grounds that it is theoretically mechanical and empirically false .
12 But our attitude towards them has to be based on the understanding that they want to transform us into a different party — a party which could never win , and might well not deserve to win , against a Conservative government which itself embraces the social market .
13 The first sift has to be based on the written application , hence the need for a good form and experienced people who are able to make suitable assessments of candidates ' experience , and strengths and weaknesses against the requirements of the job .
14 The point here , I think , is that if the latter is to be an ability , and not just a performance repertoire , then it has to be based on the internalization of systemic knowledge as a communicative resource .
15 This is unfair criticism — Gooch produces a mass of indicative , albeit necessarily speculative , evidence in favour of his hypothesis — but nevertheless it is true that our knowledge of the past is and has to be based on the artefacts surviving from that past : lacking the artefacts , all we can do is make an educated deduction .
16 It 's the idea that you ca n't have socialism in one country , it has to be international it 's the idea that it has to be based on the working class because the working class is the agent of socialism and it has to be by revolution because the ruling class wo n't give up its power and wealth voluntarily .
17 This has to be based on an understanding of the code of ethics , working to an agreed code of practice and so on , and Ann will be saying more on this .
18 Statements of what people intended to get out of the policy-making process are generally something that has to be established on the basis of careful examination of the evidence rather than on the basis of assumptions about interests .
19 When a carrier bag is given out this has to be marked on the receipt with a series of dots , but there are n't any on this one .
20 One of the areas that has to be considered on the question of harm is impairment of intellectual development and on the evidence , if he was absent for another three months with a travelling fair , there is considerable likelihood of his education not taking place with consequent impairment of his intellectual development , if indeed there were no other risks attendant upon such a way of passing his time .
21 Such an analysis might well apply where the court system is an expensive one and where little expenditure has to be spent on the method of resolution .
22 The conditions attaching to grant are that the D S S transfer , eighty five percent of it has to be spent on the independent sector , and there are monitoring mechanisms in place whereby the government is going to assure itself that has happened .
23 A club can be weighed using scales to give dead weight , but swingweight has to be measured on a special machine .
24 I have seen several foals which have had to be reared on the bottle having been completely rejected by their mother .
25 Falconer would have had to be standing on the very rim to slip and fall to his death .
26 I started with the bottom rail as this would also have to be rebated on the bottom face to accommodate doors and top fixing for side panels .
27 If the Labour Party had announced , in 1964 or 66 , its intention to ‘ oppose capitalism ’ fundamentally and had explained what this was likely to involve in terms of dislocation of international trade and payments ( even Callaghan 's mildly redistributive budget of 1964 was enough to cause a run on the pound ) , and the onus which would have to be placed on the trade unions in running industry , given the likely non-co-operation of many among the managerial strata , it is quite implausible to say they would have been elected to office .
28 In the latter case the net income attributable to shareholders will have to be assessed on the basis of whether it is reasonable compared with desired yields .
29 As we have seen with life-histories , social research does not have to be based on a representative sample .
30 If such a duty was to be owed it would have to be based on an express or implied term in the contract of employment .
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