Example sentences of "have to [be] [vb pp] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Chance ’ trade is the term used also to describe the business which comes from guests who take meals or drinks in the hotel which are not included in the terms of their reservation and has to be charged to them .
2 He detests travelling alone , he is impossible to clip unless doped , he loathes vets and injections ( ‘ We can just about get a needle into a vein now he 's sixteen … ’ and he has to be sedated for his teeth to be rasped .
3 A job function might be regarded as essential if performance of the function is the reason the position exists at all ; or performance could only be re-distributed amongst a limited number of employees ; or the position has to be filled by someone with particular expertise or ability to perform what is a highly specialised function .
4 And the ones that did are completely bewildered at the siege of journalists outside and everything has to be explained to them in words of one syllable .
5 It also has to be explained to us by a woman , who will examine us if necessary and keep it a secret .
6 Dr Edward Fenech-Adami , Maltese Prime Minister , said of his country 's announcement last night : ‘ Whether it is satisfactory or not to the UN Security Council has to be decided by them . ’
7 All this has to be done on my off-duty time , which of course is limited and irregular since I work shifts .
8 Something has to be done about it to make parents realise that these are classified as unsuitable for children because they genuinely are unsuitable for children . ’
9 ‘ But something has to be done about his influence over Matthew .
10 It is very difficult to get essential oil from the rose , it has to be done by what they call extraction .
11 When Malcolm James 's book Born of the Desert — the reminiscences of a doctor with the 1st S.A.S. in the Western Desert — appeared in 1945 , a reviewer wrote : ‘ All men have conscience , but it is given to only a few to have the selflessness to stride out into battle and , by themselves undertaking the combat that has to be done by someone , to satisfy its insistence … ’
12 Some thought has to be given to what is possible and it may be that time out can not be used .
13 The signal has to be seen as one which is appropriate for putting our message across .
14 This is particularly important when the head has to be seen as one among many who play their part in a community .
15 Each case has to be examined on its merits .
16 So straight away you see what 's happened in this case his code becomes two eighty one H whereas previously we 've got quite a high code and yet his total income is er not er comparative to the change in code numbers and this is what has that effect , that all that tax on all this income has to be collected against his works pension , thereby causing a lot of confusion and difficulty for er people becoming retired .
17 A shadow has to be cast by something , he wrote .
18 One of the partners at the firm told me ‘ We try to persuade the software houses we represent over here that it is important to keep users using the latest version of the software , but our upgrade policy has to be dictated by what the vendor will agree to . ’
19 Chords of two , three , and four notes are often written for violin , viola , and cello , but great care has to be exercised in their use to avoid technical difficulties .
20 So in order to prevent it raising the mound 's temperature too high , a thicker layer of soil has to be heaped over it to shield its interior from the sun 's rays .
21 Returning to the problem of violence in residential care , we have seen that violence has to be defined by someone and that each person , whether instigator , recipient or third party , may have a different perspective .
22 But does this not mean that God has to be affected by what happens in the world and that the challenges and frustrations which the world 's freedom continually presents to Him force ever new responses from Him , so that He is continually changing ?
23 Gandhi 's reply to these kind of questions would probably indicate that for him morality has to be related to what he conceives religion to be .
24 Equally people 's need for support from relatives specifically has to be related to whatever alternative provisions exist at any given time .
25 Guillaume ( 1984 : 120ff ) shows that all substantives , adjectives , adverbs and verbs are inherently predicative because they bring to mind a lexical notion which has to be said about something in order for the word to perform its function in discourse .
26 The idea that the syntax of BSL has to be understood through its visual presentation also seems reasonable and in agreement with De Matteo .
27 The main character has to be played by somebody who has , to a great extent , worked in reaction .
28 ‘ I suppose at Liverpool the finger has to be pointed at someone .
29 The visa has to be stamped in your passport , and they ca n't do that while you 've got it . ’
30 However , senior managers have to consider where the business as a whole is going , and this kind of problem also has to be faced by anyone trying to run their own business , no matter how small .
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