Example sentences of "have also be [vb pp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This protein has also been cloned independently in other laboratories from human , mouse and rat and named NF-IL6 ( 23 ) ; LAP ( 24 ) ; AGP/EBP ( 25 ) ; CRP2 ( 26 ) ; and C/EBPβ ( 27 ) .
2 Ageing machinery that opens or teases wool , a ‘ fearnought ’ , has also been moved away from the blend bins and a new one inserted at an earlier stage of production .
3 The concept of quality of life of older people , particularly in residential settings but also in the community , has been the subject of considerable research and academic interest ( e.g. Hughes , 1990 ) and has also been developed considerably for application in inspection and quality assurance procedures ( e.g. Sinclair and Gibb , 1990 ; DoH , 1989c ) .
4 The idea that modernization brings about a shift in criminal activity from violence to theft has also been put forward by scholars who do not necessarily accept that violence increases at the beginning of the modernization process .
5 And it is not only the financial institutions which present this objection ; it has also been put forward by Cutler et al .
6 This idea of an optimum arousal level which may easily be upset by under- or overstimulating conditions has also been put forward by Venables ( 1964 ) .
7 The evolution of the nascent rifted margins of the Red Sea has also been interpreted both in terms of active and passive rifting mechanisms .
8 Video feedback has also been used effectively in these types of training programmes .
9 Hydrochlorothiazide is a longstanding antihypertensive drug used as first line treatment in essential hypertension and has also been used safely in normotensive subjects with idiopathic hypercalciuria .
10 That said I 've also been taken aback by Morrissey 's oddly derogatory remarks about Pakistanis as an 18-year-old and , without dwelling on them , I must say I found such flippant adolescent observations infuriatingly inconsistent with his general world view .
11 The event had also been publicised well in advance .
12 They had also been joined here by a number of " White " emigres from outside the USSR , that is to say anti-Communists who had gone into exile during or after the Civil War of 1918–20 and had subsequently lived in various European countries .
13 Schimberni 's 10-year investment plan for the FS had also been received unfavourably by the Transport Minister Carlo Bernini , whose preference had been for a programme with greater emphasis on capital projects .
14 But it had also been brought home to her with chilling clarity how easily he might have snatched her .
15 The Asian community in the Phoenix area had also been subjected recently to violent robberies by Asian gangs .
16 Since 1965 prospecting birds have also been noted regularly at other localities on the chalk and east of Hastings .
17 I have also been criticized fiercely by philosophers for using imaginary time .
18 Mawgan Porth , also in Cornwall , was found buried in sand ( Fig 44 ) Chapels have also been lost all along the coast , the most spectacular being at Perranporth in Cornwall where not only the early ( how early ? )
19 Omissions cases falling within manslaughter by recklessness or gross negligence have also been set apart from cases of positive acts .
20 New contracts have also been won recently with tyre manufacturer Avon Tyres , which invested £1m in Promix , and Pan Britannica Industries Ltd , an agricultural and garden products manufacturer which is replacing its present custom ICL Plc-based system with Promix modules .
21 They have also been introduced earlier on measures and Ministers have come forward , as though it is a matter of no significance , to recommend new guillotine procedures , some in novel circumstances .
22 In the last few years , the RMCs have also been used extensively by outside clients , most notably by the MSC 's Training Services Division which has commissioned programmes for unemployed managers , especially those intending to set up small businesses .
23 Service stations have also been pruned drastically with numbers halved between 1969 and 1982 .
24 New HNC and HND proposals have also been put forward in areas as diverse as sports therapy , golf course management , designer knitwear and stonemasonry .
25 They have also been linked inconclusively with stomach cancer .
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