Example sentences of "have say [pers pn] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 BAe has made it clear it did not consider the bid by Mr Hooke as a serious contender and has said it regards the Raytheon offer as best for the company , shareholders and employees .
2 Tricia Howard , Mr. Ashdown 's former lover , has said she deplores the press coverage of the affair .
3 A neighbour who did not give evidence at the trial of Lisa and Michelle Taylor has said she saw a girl resembling Alison , 21 , arrive home at 6pm on the night she was stabbed .
4 And , in an oblique attack on the partiality of judges , she has said she wants a commission to review appointments to the higher levels of the judiciary .
5 Greenaway has said he hates the idea of a shot in a film being only a preposition , linking what went before and after — but what writer would think of despising a part of speech for performing its indispensible task ?
6 He has given very little account of how he spent his time , but he has said he spent the majority of that time with a travelling circus , both in this country and in the Irish Republic .
7 Although Mr Major has said he wants the debate over Scotland 's future to be extended , he has so far refused to be drawn on the need for a referendum .
8 Well the problem is he has to say he has a licence for you , he has n't so , it 's possible that Terry will be .
9 It is hard to speak against a situation that makes everyone happy , but one has to say it represents a form of intellectual inflation that is just as pernicious in its way as monetary inflation .
10 Certainly the old man will have said he saw a man robbing them .
11 Only six weeks before , the Germans had said they had no claim on the city .
12 Mary Robinson SC ( Senior Counsel ) , for the students , had said they claimed a right under European law to provide information on services available legally in another EC member state .
13 Angalo had said he thought the inside of a plane would be a mass of wires and pipes .
14 Labour leader Coun John Williams accused Coun Richmond of hypocrisy and said in the past when Labour had debated South Africa the Tories had said it had no relevance for Darlington .
15 From the beginning the group had said it wanted the paper to be international , and It was .
16 ‘ I 've said I over-emphasised the need for discretion .
17 Fire officers have said they believe the blaze , which gutted the flat , was already well alight by the time it was noticed .
18 It 's said it lost the South the American Civil War , because Southern troops did n't have boots .
19 I have to say I see a match a bit differently when I watch Darlington now , ’ he said .
20 I have to say I have no idea .
21 I have to say I loved the sound through the Boogie power amp , although the essence remained distinctly Marshall .
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