Example sentences of "have not been [adv] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If that departure has not been wholly amicable and an adjustment arises which increases an individual 's tax liability , there is the prospect of prolonged discussions with former partners and possibly problems of collectability as far as the Revenue is concerned .
2 To date the 1992/3 winter has not been particularly serious and in the main the daily rake of 158s and 153s has run well .
3 To be sure , its performance has not been notably worse than its main rivals ' — similarly sprawling groups such as Germany 's BASF , Hoechst and Bayer , Du Pont and Dow Chemical of the US , France 's state-owned Rhone-Poulenc and Italy 's state-owned EniChem , which has been allowed to bumble along for years without worrying too much about profits .
4 The growth of internationalization has not been purely autonomous and spontaneous .
5 Similarly , the policy of refusing employment in the desirable areas to general practitioners has not been very effective because even these areas have not had their government quota of general practitioners .
6 Environmental pollution in the Gulf has not been as extensive as feared , according to a survey by a team from the Monaco-based Marine Environment Laboratory , an arm of the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) [ see also ED 62 ] .
7 Food costs have been high in the past because Fred has not been as efficient as he might have been ( he certainly seems to have neglected his record-keeping ! ) , and his action in letting Chrissie take the food was motivated by his resentment at being demoted .
8 ‘ No doubt business is better than last year but it has not been as good as many people suggested it might be , ’ he said .
9 Although data and voice transmission lines are moving gradually towards the 144Kbits per second Integrated Services Digital Networks specification , the report believes that ISDN has not been as successful as many pundits believed it would be .
10 Although data and voice transmission lines are moving gradually towards the 144Kbits per second Integrated Services Digital Networks specification , the report believes ISDN has not been as successful as many pundits believed it would be .
11 Therefore , the Minister has not been as generous as he pretends .
12 The effect of this change has not been as dramatic as had been feared .
13 In spite of these impressive results , progress in finding other examples of neurons with highly selective trigger features has not been as rapid as was hoped .
14 Table 6.9 Sterling commercial paper The development of the market has not been as rapid or as extensive as in many other European countries .
15 In 1850 Nesselrode expressed the view that " Russia 's position and that of her Sovereign has not been as attractive or as powerful since 1814 " .
16 The commercial application of expert systems in the UK has not been as widespread as was originally anticipated .
17 Erm it perhaps has n't been as major as as people might er have thought it should be .
18 It has n't been as difficult as I thought it would be , so far … but I 'm determined not to have another smoke .
19 The Turkish forces , let's be clear about this , have used napalm against Kurdish villages inside the ‘ safe haven ’ which the rapidstrike force is supposedly on permanent red-alert to protect — yet there has n't been so much as a cheep from any of the elements who cheered the US-led forces into the Gulf War on the basis that regimes which defy international law and slaughter innocent people must be confronted , no matter what the cost .
20 We 're a bit understocked anyway — business has n't been so good since the trouble started . ’
21 And you know this brings another important aspect up which is very important about communications , erm you know we 've jollied along talking about what communication is making sure people know you know what you want etcetera etcetera etcetera but also do n't forget that different people can have different perceptions of the same same things but as I say here we are we sat here we done we 've done about an hour an hour and a half on written communications and yet you know when we passed the papers around it has n't been too bad but there has been different things that people have gone for both in the writing of these reports and both in the marking of them as well .
22 His life had not been particularly eventful or distinguished .
23 Her life had not been particularly adventurous and at school , where her friend Rosie Fortinbras courted adventure , she had been regarded as a dull girl and a plodding worker .
24 Would she even have started the relationship if she had not been reasonably certain that in the end he would not leave his wife ?
25 The judge , having heard evidence , concluded that because of her condition and the effect of the narcotic medication she had not been fully rational when she signed the refusal form .
26 It had not been fully dark when she had been flying .
27 And she had not been half asleep and dreaming this time .
28 The same proportion thought that the feedback had not been very useful or of no use at all .
29 He was rather liking this bit of a jaunt , although he had not been very enthusiastic when Goibniu had ordered him to set out .
30 Lilly had not been more beautiful than the other women who sought him , just more clever .
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