Example sentences of "have it [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Grandmother Margot 's pacemaker explodes in the crematorium oven , a minor atomic blast in a country trying to go non-nuclear ; a local urchin loses an eye in a fight at the cousin Urvill 's restored castle ( and has it replaced with an artificial one cast at the McHoans ' Gallansch glass works ) ; Rory and brother-in-law Fergus pass a nightmare night in a hill-top bothy with cannabis , whisky , a rat , two guns and one shattering revelation as props .
2 Yeah she had it , she was just going into theatre at the end of the programme , she was having it done for the fourth time
3 Having it spread around the Mediterranean that I 'm another of Nathan Bryce 's bimbos was not part of the deal .
4 Either you have lost the letter or you did n't have it to lose in the first place , in which case the king never gave it to you , i which case he gave it to me , in which case I would have put it into my inside top pocket in which case ( Calmly producing the letter ) … it will be … here .
5 ‘ I have felt for a long time that the only way this issue was going to be resolved was to have it fixed on a political level — that it would n't just fade away .
6 What the hell did I get it for — to have it sit on the fucking shelf ?
7 An MP who 's been campaigning for years to have the road improved said tonight that he 'll be pressing the government yet again to have it upgraded to a dual carriageway .
8 As a rule of thumb , moving a nearly new greenhouse will only cost about the same as it would to have it erected in the first place .
9 He attempted to have the case thrown out as " frivolous and vexatious " , but failed to have it struck off the High Court list .
10 In one of the most tantalising promises yet made in the computer industry , Unix System Laboratories Inc is claiming that independent software vendors who port their applications to its Destiny desktop implementation of Unix SVR4 will only have to do so once to have it run on the disparate architectures of Intel Corp , Sun Microsystems Inc Sparc RISC , MIPS Computer Systems Inc RISC , Hewlett-Packard Co PA RISC and IBM Corp 's RS/6000 RISC .
11 Anyway , his standing in society was far too high to have it blackened by the indiscreet infidelities of a wife bored with her husband 's success .
12 I do n't see a need to have it repeated on a separate bit of paper anywhere else .
13 Participating members should distribute the Investment Overview direct to foreign prospective purchasers in their countries unless they prefer to have it distributed by the initiating member .
14 Shaking with terror , Isabel put a hand to the wall in an attempt to hold on to something solid , only to have it scoot across the slimy surface , almost throwing her to the ground .
15 Variant weapons included the guisarme or fauchard , which persisted in many forms as late as the seventeenth century , and inflicted such horrible wounds that attempts were made to have it banned during the medieval period .
16 Labour 's Shadow Chancellor John Smith responded , explaining why the great poet would definitely have joined Amnesty had it existed in the 18th century .
17 I think the first time I saw Day At The Beach they had it written on the wrong strings .
18 It was almost certainly acquired by George III who had it bound in the present red morocco , gilt tooled binding which has been reproduced for the facsimile .
19 Waterston , never interested in personal glory , did not try to claim priority , but J. W. Strutt , third Baron Rayleigh [ q.v. ] , rediscovered the paper and had it published in the Philosophical Transactions in 1892 , with an introduction which belatedly gave Waterston due credit .
20 Hopeless with that on because of course , he 's been wearing a pullover all the time and initially he had it clipped on the right hand side of his belts and of course , with that switch where is it ?
21 As one of Rodin 's most celebrated works , The Kiss did not find favour with public opinion in the USA in the 1880s , which decided that the nude marble sculpture was far too hot for public viewing and had it confined to a special room .
22 However , it can be shown that the runaway greenhouse effect , had it acted on an Earth-like quantity of water , can perhaps lead initially to a copious escape of hydrogen with no enhancement of D/ 1 H during this process .
23 The tradition thus has a double intent : on the one had it engages in the primary sociological task of describing and documenting the ‘ state of society ’ ; on the other hand it addresses itself to central social and political issues .
24 Again if you re rely on L P G heaters as soon as you 've got an emp er a , a , a cylinder empty , get it out the way back to your supplier to make sure that you only have it serviced on a one to one basis so you get a one for one swap .
25 think twice before using your car and have it fitted with a catalytic converter
26 Exactly actually on a on a point on body piercing for people who have n't had anything pierced and you should everybody should have if you go and have it done during the cold weather it 's better .
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