Example sentences of "have be [vb pp] on this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Therefore , Labour will be back in strength in the next election , and in the meantime , will be tiny of the performance of the council which has been elected on this occasion . ’
2 We 've had fantastic support , as has been recorded on this programme many times before , and that is still growing .
3 We thank you for those in Exeter who have granted permission for the work that has been done on this church building , and for the help that has been given towards the planning of the new building .
4 Some work has been done on this topic in recent years , but this study will differ from previous approaches by linking the unemployment flows much more closely to the other flows in the labour market .
5 The first point which has been raised on this appeal is the use of the present tense in section 31(2) of the Children Act 1989 .
6 A start has been made on this process .
7 Much work has been undertaken on this aircraft and it has clearly got into the blood of those at PE , so much so that should the SAAF Museum at Swartkop , near Pretoria , ever wish to move there , they would find a fearsome fight on their hands !
8 Statham , 1929 : some doubt has been cast on this principle by a later decision but it would almost certainly still apply ) .
9 The first question which has been considered on this appeal is whether the justices were right in thinking that they had power in an appropriate case to order that there should be no contact between the mother and child under section 34(2) of the Act of 1989 .
10 In the past much ink has been spilt on this problem , but little progress made .
11 Much Third World interest has been focused on this part of the convention , giving it a disproportionate importance as the first evidence of a new international economic order .
12 ‘ We could all have been killed on this exercise .
13 As a teenager , Goldberg was leader of the Berlin Philharmonic under Furtwängler in the 1920s ; in the 1970s he was still in fine form , and his recordings should surely have been re-released on this occasion .
14 Having been reassured on this point , he had grudgingly accepted Ellen 's explanation that she had been given leave to visit him to see how he was coping alone , and had promptly put his daughter and her companion to work .
15 Returning through Bologna he passed various tests for membership of the Accademia Filarmonica and was awarded a diploma , the conditions of entry , stipulating that members must be over the age of 20 , having been waived on this occasion .
16 When fast scoring is discussed , there is one name which comes up more often than any other , and which should , in fairness , have been the first to have been entered on this teamsheet. it has been estimated that Gilbert Jessop — ‘ The Croucher ’ — made his runs at an average rate of 80 per hour , a phenomenal statistic .
17 The excess starters , generators , regulators and anything else that we were n't supposed to have was put on this trailer , was tied neatly to the canvas , we put a man on the tractor and all day long he drove around the perimeter strip with it .
18 But no great impact had been made on this side of the Channel .
19 Tax reform had been a major campaign commitment in 1976 , but four years later very little progress had been made on this matter .
20 The headmaster paused , reminding himself of his conclusion that the privilege of educating the sons of the royal house had been conferred on this school because it was uniquely endowed with a philosophy which informed all its actions and made it equal to the task .
21 On climate change [ see also p. 37291 ] , Resolution 44/207 recalled an earlier resolution ( 43/53 — see p. 36778 ) and noted the number of conferences that had been held on this issue in 1989 .
22 This was a laborious process and probably the equivalent of a week 's hard work had been expended on this stone before it was abandoned .
23 Some definitions of style have been based on this assumption .
24 Yet whole socio-cultural theories , of a kind , have been built on this kind of argument .
25 We think that such a duty is imposed by law ; and on consideration of the Statute of Elizabeth , l and of the cases which have been decided on this subject , we are all of the opinion that a party can not maintain an action for compensation for loss of time in attending a trial as a witness .
26 Complete books have been written on this subject which will give much more information about when a condition is likely to be serious or not .
27 Complete books have been written on this subject which will give much more information about when a condition is likely to be serious or not .
28 Volumes have been written on this subject but I will offer a succinct aim that sums up , for me , the essence of good practice :
29 Doubts have been cast on this interpretation , but insufficient evidence is available to reassess it in terms of the more typical two-phase sequence .
30 These conclusions have been challenged on this appeal .
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