Example sentences of "have be [adv] [vb pp] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Work has been temporarily held up as old drains are discovered and re-routed .
2 The naivety of Irish politicians in dealing with the foreign mining companies has been excellently summed up by O Faircheallaigh : Irish politicians ' ’ response … to this situation was to accept as valid the mining industry 's account of what it needed .
3 As a result the hierarchical structure of the state has been increasingly broken up by horizontal structures of working parties , ad hoc reviews , and above all , semi-autonomous government agencies ( see , e.g. Barker 1982 ) .
4 The second ground ( ’ knowing receipt and dealing ’ ) , has been neatly summed up by Bingham J :
5 With the development of the form of recklessness found in MPC v Caldwell [ 1982 ] AC 341 ( HL ) , which applies in this area ( Seymour [ 1983 ] 2 AC 493 ( HL ) ) there are now authorities to the effect that manslaughter by gross negligence has been totally swallowed up by reckless manslaughter : Kong Cheuk Kwan v R ( 1985 ) 82 Cr App R 18 ( PC ) and Goodfellow ( 1986 ) 83 Cr App R 23 ( CA ) .
6 Yet many easterners complain that , since their revolutions began in 1989 , the Community has been too wrapped up in its own affairs to give them the attention they deserve .
7 The challenge to increase membership has been imaginatively taken up by some groups .
8 One area of child development that the child psychiatrists appeared to have made passably tidy , has been somewhat roughed up by ethological methods over recent years .
9 Scottish Natural Heritage ( SNH ) has been formally set up from the merger of the Nature Conservancy Council for Scotland and the Countryside Commission for Scotland .
10 Incredible as it seemed , she 'd been too caught up in her own unhappiness to give a second 's thought to the play , which was due to open that very evening .
11 She 'd been so caught up in her thoughts that the voice near her side came as a shock , but even as she turned she realised the words had n't been aimed at her .
12 Stalin therefore becomes the authentic Marxist , able to deal with specific historical circumstances , as against Trotsky who is regarded as having been hopelessly caught up with the a priori universalism of an abstract Marxism .
13 Even Dmitri 's sorrow had been mostly used up by the fading of his father 's life , remorselessly , year by year .
14 Often times when I was going into the country after orders and so on in the autumn , I 'd look at a field that had been freshly ploughed up after the harvest ; and I 'd think to myself how much like a piece of Doncaster Cord it was — colour , straight lines and everything . ’
15 He should not be nervous : by the time he arrives on stage just before the end of the first act the youngsters in the audience had been thoroughly warmed up by all the silliness created by Michael Barrymore and the Roly Polys ; the bruisers from Essex who turned up to see their hero had been thoroughly oiled with lager and were ready to send their love across the footlights .
16 While the symbols of civilization processed with full panoply of State through the streets of London , out on the eastern marshes the North Sea nudged at the coastal defences which had been hastily shored up after the calamity just four months before .
17 Hitherto she had been so tied up in the day-to-day mechanics of the company that she was often forced to consider time for research as a luxury .
18 It was not that I eventually doubted that the Almighty responded to faith , but that because I had been so bound up by the desert , so full of self-interest , so neglectful of the God I was supposed to serve , that I could not have expected any co-operation from him .
19 Coffin wished he had observed Edward Pitt more closely on that evening , but he had been so taken up with Letty .
20 He stood with his hands in his pockets and she realised she had been so taken up with her seemingly childish pursuit that she had not even heard the car arrive .
21 Kate had been so taken up with her own affairs that she 'd rather forgotten Ace 's part in the drama .
22 She had been so caught up in her memories that she had n't heard him approaching .
23 He had been so caught up in his thoughts he not heard the T'ang enter .
24 ‘ She had been totally geared up for a reconciliation , ’ says Columb Farrelly , then manager of Sinead 's band and the man who persuaded the troubled teenager to seek out her mother .
25 Then a Leed rang up saying that he was there and that the particular aviatical chant in question had been initially struck up by the away end , and only joined in by a shameful minority ( ahem ) of Leeds fans .
26 But he quashed rumours that the Red Fort had been quietly put up for sale due to his financial difficulties .
27 The tenants ' rent books had been correctly marked up by her , but she had put different figures into the ledger and cash book .
28 The federation had been formally set up in Paris on Sept. 22 by leaders of the pro-democracy movement who had fled China , including leading economists Yan Jiaqi and Chen Yizi , and Wan Runnan , head of China 's biggest private company , the Stone Co. [ see also p. 36815 ] .
29 The young Fusiliers had been patriotically offered up for the politicians ' errors ; they had even been bullied by the militant women brandishing their white feathers , and they went cheering , singing , promising to come home victoriously to the grime and love of their Lancashire womb .
30 Cleansing and re-applying make-up can irritate the skin if you 've been fully made up during the day .
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