Example sentences of "have be [verb] about the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Although comparatively little has been written about the professions in the UK there are those who see these occupations in the same altruistic light .
2 Yet so much has been written about the wonders of the Roman road system that probably not enough allowance is made for their often poor condition .
3 Regarding workplace politics , much has been written about the trades unions in the Dukeries , because of the dramatic events that occurred in Nottinghamshire in the aftermath of the 1926 General Strike .
4 Concern has been raised about the costs of regulation .
5 The Princess of Wales has been speaking about the problems faced by people caring for loved ones who have suffered brain damage .
6 WHILST much has been said about the abilities of the players , the coaches , the referees , the managers etc , little has been said about the standards of journalism .
7 WHILST much has been said about the abilities of the players , the coaches , the referees , the managers etc , little has been said about the standards of journalism .
8 Enough has been revealed about the antics of the Monarchy in the past few weeks to suggest that people in palaces should not be trying to tell the rest of us how to behave .
9 In recent years , greater concern has been expressed about the effects of hard drugs on young people .
10 Concern has been expressed about the ways in which residential services are classified ( Ploeg , 1981 and 1986 ; Hellinckx and Munter , 1990 ) .
11 Concern has been expressed about the delays in determining the merits test , especially as delay and refusal of legal aid appear to be related .
12 The third stage , the transmission of sound waves through the air , is studied by acoustic analysis ; much has been discovered about the sounds of speech in this way .
13 Hunter Howerton , an American secret service agent , has been reminiscing about the days when counterfeiting was a specialist art form .
14 Erm what this is really about , I think we all recognise this is the erm purchaser aim to increase their leverage in the contract situation as against the providers on the other side of contract and in fact , I think we ought to tie this very much more in with what this authority has been saying about the proposals of the trust on the provider side because I think that this is an argument against the whole district N H S trusts that we 're getting , but it is encouraging the situation in which health authorities have purchasers on the other side of the contract are going to want to band together and merge to create a larger block in which to negotiate with their whole trust providers , I think this is a a very dangerous situation and think we needed to tie the two together as an argument there .
15 More has been learned about the mechanisms of action of the two oral hypoglycaemic families of drugs — the sulphonylureas and the biguanides .
16 She should have been thinking about the boys ' tea , and about Frederick 's dinner .
17 Elise ca n't have been mistaken about the tears . ’
18 Politicians representing other Basque parties have therefore felt left out , and believe the public should have been informed about the negotiations at the beginning , in view of the huge scale of the financing involved .
19 One obvious thing to do would have been to write about the facilities available to homeless people ( or the chronic lack of them in key areas like medical help ) ; however , I have decided against doing that .
20 I have now discussed the matter with our Chairman and three other Councillors and serious concern had been expressed about the implications and apparent lack of information and consultation on such an important issue .
21 Hugh , who had been reading about the dangers of having a smoker as a cohabitee , waved his handkerchief through the air and moved to the edge of the terrace .
22 However , Gen. Le Duc Anh , the second-ranking CPV politburo member , had secretly visited Phnom Penh prior to the congress and had been informed about the changes .
23 He thought about what Suragai had been saying about the origins of mankind .
24 He was not sure that Jehan had been talking about the arrows , and remembering that Jehan was Burun 's grandson he wondered how much he knew , or had been told , about the plan to obtain Sidacai 's freedom .
25 She did n't seem surprised to see him sitting there still in his cloak and obviously only just returned from Mass , and he knew at once that she had been told about the murders .
26 During their 2 year study of the site , Thames Water have been at pains to co-operate with local action groups , but environmentalists say they 've been misled about the plans for the reservoir .
27 What do you think about this statue and all these trees we 've been talking about the ones around by Marks and Spencers yes ?
28 Well we 've been talking about the benefits which the local firms obviously gain from the work that 's going on here , but the question could be asked , what benefit do the academics in the University and also the students gain from the , the programme ?
29 We 've been talking about the events in Beirut . ’
30 The only legal right she had was to complain about the beatings when she could stand them no more .
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