Example sentences of "have be [verb] [prep] [det] the " in BNC.

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1 SWALEDALE has been called by many the most beautiful of all the dales and though I would argue with that definition , it is certainly one of the finest .
2 Another apology has been made in all the charter proposals for public services .
3 The Great Comic Relief Vegetable Plot has been sent to all the schools in the country and Emma hopes as many as possible will stage it to raise money for Comic Relief .
4 With the exception of the higher rate of SSP to which I have already referred , this has been applied to all the relevant main benefits rates — notably retirement pensions , war pensions , widows ' pensions , invalidity benefit , severe disablement allowance , the disability living allowance rates equivalent to the present mobility and attendance allowances , invalid care allowance , industrial injuries benefits , and the national insurance benefits for unemployment , sickness and maternity .
5 A great deal of evidence has been given by all the associations concerned , and the Select Committee report was published in January 1989 .
6 I say planned and agreed , because , as my hon. Friend the Minister knows , more than one public inquiry has taken place and the go-ahead has been given after all the proper formalities have been gone through .
7 Now er sure the programme has been delayed for all the reasons I I 've mentioned .
8 A ceasefire agreement for Bosnia has been signed by all the sides at talks in London .
9 Our success in attracting more investment from the United States than has been attracted by all the countries of western Europe put together is proof that we have created a more attractive climate for investment than anywhere else in Europe .
10 And do you think , if this has been going on all the years it must have , he 's going to stop now ?
11 I said I had no objections , but I would have to ask , you know , the committee if they had because she 's not a member as such , but obviously has been going on all the year .
12 What has been overshadowed by all the hype about CFCs is that carbon tetrachloride ( ‘ tetra ’ ) and 1,1,1-trichloroethane ( ‘ 1,1,1 ’ ) were also included in the London revision of the protocol .
13 Putting further strain on the talks are the hawks within government ; in particular , Defence Minister Magnus Malan has been excluded from both the official meetings between the state and the A N C.
14 John , who is a full time shift worker , has been polishing off most the Peak 's F8a+ in good time , having also recently red-pointed Boat Boys , Chimes of Freedom as well as making the 6th ascent of Zeke the Freak ( F8b ) .
15 He 's not alone , judging by the contents of this week 's postbag which has been bursting with all the replies from our whose-tum-bum-or-thighs-would-you-rather-have competition .
16 Rita May ( Mrs Archer ) , whose husband died very suddenly , has been grappling with all the problems of being now on her own after forty years of happy marriage , the last 20 of which were spent at Failand near Bristol , only a short distance from the former family home of Somerville 's Margery Fry .
17 It is the production version of the PWS 4000 porting platform which has been shown at all the major computer exhibitions since Comdex/Fall last October ( UX No 357 ) .
18 Surveillance equipment has been put on all the sets which are known , added Mr Wood , but even protectionists are not allowed to carry out work around the equipment during the November-June closed season .
19 Common cause has been established between all the charge-capped authorities , they all believe that they 've been unfairly treated , and they 've all agreed to pursue a common search for remedies to the plight in which they find themselves .
20 ‘ That assurance has been reiterated by both the chairman ( Sir Bert Millichip ) and chief executive ( Graham Kelly ) . ’
21 The same or greater loss of bone has been found in all the predator assemblages examined here .
22 The rabbit might as well have been stuffed for all the movement it made , and I could see that it definitely was staring right at me , its little eyes not blinking , its tiny nose not sniffing , its ears untwitched .
23 Since the cost of the highly controversial PWR programme would have been spread over all the stations built , it has now become considerably more expensive per reactor unit .
24 In 1987 the Long Gilt future accounted for more than half the trades on LIFFE but , while still trading strongly , it had been relegated to third place by 1990 , having been outstripped by both the new German Government bond ( " Bund " ) contract and the Short Sterling contract in importance .
25 Somehow ‘ honest man ’ was now a phrase blurred in meaning , as though its edges had been lost among all the trees .
26 Subsequent meetings with Dr Reid convinced him that a grave injustice had been done to both the parents of the nine children subject to the dawn raids of 1991 , and to Mrs W and her children , removed in November 1990 and whose disclosures while in care led to the later social work action .
27 Tom 's quick testing of her tendon reflexes revealed their characteristic briskness , and both the medical professionals realised that the condition was progressing , when they had been hoping against all the evidence that it would not .
28 The appeal had been based on both the Irish Constitution 's recognition of the equal rights of the mother and the unborn child , and the freedom of movement guaranteed within the European Communities .
29 During this same period a far wider survey had been undertaken of all the fifty-nine party cells in the Poltava guberniia .
30 Environmentalists said that Mr MacGregor had been ill-advised , and pointed out that the Department 's environmental assessment policies had been criticized by both the EC [ which has threatened the UK with legal action over the matter — see ED no. 52 ] and the government 's Standing Committee on Trunk Road Assessment .
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