Example sentences of "have be [verb] [pron] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now a perfectly good internal sprinkler system has been developed which for £500,000 could be fitted to an aircraft and would put fires out within 10 seconds .
2 ‘ That bloody bird has been annoying me for days . ’
3 He labours scornfully for this Simon Giles , faintly comforted by a corner in Classical studies which has been granted him for reasons to do with the firm 's image .
4 The real enthusiast has been doing it for years .
5 Richard Long has been doing it for years in his site-related stone works — three of which , based on materials gathered in the states of New York and New Jersey — can be seen until 13 March at 65 Thompson St. And surely there is a kind of nostalgie de la boue in the drawings he makes using ordinary mud as the medium .
6 Old body disposer Pugh 's nephew Duncan has been begging me for months to let him play and things have got so desperate I have no choice but to take him on .
7 John suggests £10 — £15 has been allowed me for costumes . ’
8 They were soon strolling with me round the house as if they 'd been expecting me for weeks .
9 She deserved it , she 'd been tormenting me for weeks , calling me Comic Stripper because I told better jokes than she did .
10 Eventually it was he who told her mother when she was about eight months pregnant : " We 'd been planning it for ages to tell them but we had n't had the nerve to get round to it .
11 He must have been saving it for months .
12 Undertaken sensitively and carefully by an experienced operator in controlled circumstances , regression therapy should be a beneficial and restorative experience for the subject , enabling him to be rid of a serious problem that may have been troubling him for years and indeed possibly ruining his life .
13 Then came news of more freebies , rumours of worse stories to come , and Tory ministers and MPs realised what some had been telling them for weeks .
14 Claudia wanted to laugh out loud — that was what she had been telling him for days , but under the joy she was aware of fear making itself known .
15 ROSS STRUDWICK had been telling us for weeks : the London Crusaders can become big-time .
16 ‘ I found as the charred remains came to light that one of their employees , who had left the firm last year , had been embezzling them for years and had set fire to the premises so that no trace could be found of his dirty work .
17 Oh , but this is the Niersteiner , the last bottle , and it would n't go very well with beef ’ He had been saving it for Sophia 's birthday .
18 The Achilles ' tendon which had been bothering him for weeks finally gave out amid a sympathetic cheer and a great forward ambled to the sideline and out of the match with an hour gone .
19 Well the ordinary private hire , there 's so many of them , I mean his dad had been doing it for years but there 's so many started up .
20 Last night , she had taken one of the wolfdogs that had been following her for weeks .
21 Christine had been planning hers for weeks .
22 If the BBC had been planning it for years , it could not have had more authority ’ .
23 She had been planning it for months now , and it was vitally important .
24 Dmitri had been checking it for misprints and left it to get messed up like this .
25 Rain met people who had been avoiding her for months and others she had been dodging .
26 There were mill-owners in Bradford and Leeds who had been begging her for years to leave Old Ashfield and go to live with them in their fine houses .
27 We 've been watching them for weeks . ’
28 ‘ I 've been ringing you for days .
29 There are some things in this that obviously we can support , the delete or reduction in the contingency pros p provision to a hundred thousand pounds , we 're going to be moving later on to delete even that amount but it 's surprising you were telling us you 've been telling us for years you have to have two hundred thousand pounds in the contingency .
30 But er interestingly , the Americans have just put er more tax on to their gas for , for different reasons admittedly , and er the environmentalists er always feel happy about that because they 've been the ones who 've been telling us for years that er petrol is if anything underpriced , and that we 're rather profligate in the way that we use it , so er at least some people are happy out of this , not everybody , but it , but er it 's making some people happier .
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