Example sentences of "have to be [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He can not quite detach himself or even avoid nerves ; he has to be eternally in readiness ; only when the final curtain has fallen can he be sure he will not have to go on .
2 It is still lived in , though not any more by humans , because the castle and its grounds have been turned into a home , and a sort of theatre , for birds of prey : vultures , falcons , buzzards , eagles , which in the afternoons ( I 'm not sure why it has to be only after lunch ) are allowed to fly free and which you can pay to visit .
3 Unlike other single women , Elaine can not stay out late at night : she has to be home in time to be put to bed by a nurse .
4 He 'll have to be away before sun up . ’
5 It does not have to be just for Asians . ’
6 Where a rota system remains the most appropriate form of out of hours cover a consultant may have to be directly on call to an experienced senior house officer .
7 But I 'm in a meeting until quite late — that 's why I suggested Pepe 's , because we do n't have to be there till midnight .
8 Without naming names , there are some bands I work with and if they are doing an interview , I will have to be there in case they do n't turn up and I end up making loads of phone calls .
9 You did not have to be there in person in order to kill by poison ; in fact , you probably tried not to be .
10 You do n't like me any more than I like you , but we do n't have to be constantly at war . ’
11 These women he decries are simply weary with having to be constantly on guard against abuse , and why should they have to justify their position when the men are at fault ?
12 The compass had to be somewhere in sight of that arrow .
13 I do rather resent it when there are other council committees , there 's Town Hall Strategy Working Party in the afternoon , now if we 're going to be sure that we can all get to this without conflict with other committees , erm I had to be there on behalf of the Lord Mayor because she had duties , erm and I was very sorry not to be able to come , because I have dealt , visited many occupational , I wanted to visit the officers , and you know , it is n't always possible where you have a conflict of interests .
14 Erm by nineteen forty eight erm the Communist Party had argued that three conditions had to be there for land reform to take place and that was that how that the area had to be militarily stable , the majority of peasants erm rich peasants had to be mobilized er had to want to be demanding land reform and the Party cadres there had to be adequate in numbers and quality .
15 Did n't you say that he 'd expect you to tidy your bedroom every day before you went to school and at night before you went to bed , that everything had to be perfectly in place ?
16 It pricked his curiosity but he shook his head , saying , ‘ Ah — I have to be away to Dublin . ’
17 It might seem like it 's all going to fall apart at any minute , but that 's the key to it — it 's totally wrong to call them shambolic ; you have to be right on top of things to sound this loose .
18 I have to be home for halfpast one !
19 ‘ All the child psychologists say that mummy and daddy have to be there for children to grow up well balanced . ’
20 You do n't have to be witty or attractive or intelligent , you just have to be there with people for the time you 've stipulated .
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