Example sentences of "have to [be] [vb pp] from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The history of the divisions of the kingdom , or Teilungen as they are often known to modern scholars , is a complex one , and it is one that has to be reconstructed from narrative sources which are not concerned to describe those kingdoms , but which provide the relevant information only in passing .
2 A : what have you got to do this afternoon B : oh I 'm * going to repair the child bar A : what do you mean CHILD bar B : uh it 's er metal bar goes acr — has to be fixed from one side of the car I mean from one side of the back seat to the other for the BABY seat to go on A : AH …
3 To avoid such troubles , the water supply has to be freed from solid particles and needs to have a very low content of iron , manganese , aluminium , calcium , and magnesium .
4 Since the order was primarily religious it has to be distinguished from specific cultural orders , but it is even more distinct from the social relations of patronage .
5 Yet the broader developments were in some ways preceded by an important new kind of cultural formation which has to be distinguished from national groups .
6 That set of questions has to be distinguished from those we can pose on the second level of culture .
7 Why is it , for instance , that coronary care cover frequently has to be sought from outside London ?
8 Only if all new investment in the firm has to be financed from retained earnings is it possible for an increase in dividends to reduce net investment and thereby reduce the ability of the firm to deliver real income in the future .
9 Management may be prepared to pay this higher cost when labour is scarce and has to be attracted from alternative employment , or when a union is making strong demands for a higher quality of working life .
10 This means nearly 6 mt/pa will have to be berthed from super tankers in addition to nearly 4 mt/pa of marine sand and gravel .
11 This means nearly 6 mt/pa will have to be berthed from super tankers in addition to nearly 4 mt/pa of marine sand and gravel .
12 Money for the repair of existing footpaths which are to be be retained , landscaping and street lighting would have to be sought from other sources .
13 If the line were to go overground from Stratford — presumably along the north London line — that line might have to be upgraded from two to four tracks , with a loss of hundreds of homes in Hackney .
14 The technology does exist for recycling plastics but , for it to be successful , packaging would have to be made from one type of plastic only .
15 Another disadvantage would be that the interest payable on such bonds would have to be made from public funds .
16 It estimated that up to 10,000,000 people would have to be moved from low-lying coastal areas of East Anglia ( UK ) , Bangladesh and the Netherlands , or that an immediate start would have to be made on building 360,000 km of sea defences to protect them .
17 Passengers will have to be separated from light commercial vehicles , light vehicles with caravans or trailers and mixed-use vehicles like campers and mobile homes .
18 It also designated $1,0000 million of the education budget as a loan which would have to be repaid from future allocations .
19 While welcoming the prospect of more officers on the front line against crime , the police are concerned the proposals will have to be funded from existing budgets .
20 Sandison finds that the probability of citation will be halved by the transfer of library material to the Reserve Stock shelves , which may be at some distance from the main library shelving , or which may have to be fetched from remote stores .
21 To make it boil without increasing its temperature , its pressure would have to be reduced from one atmosphere ( point C ) to point C " on the line .
22 In 1988 it was announced that in future government grants in support of housing association projects would fall from 100 per cent to an average of 75 per cent , the balance having to be provided from private sources .
23 They did not come near Lucie , Izzie or Gabriel , and had to be kept from starving with little presents of food left furtively on their threshold .
24 Thus the system of exogamy prevailed , according to which a bride had to be obtained from another clan , ‘ bride-price ’ and dowry being given according to an agreement between the parents .
25 The committee pointed out that no great increase in costs would be incurred , because at that time , each vacancy had to be filled from nursing institutes ( agencies ) at a cost of 2½ guineas a week .
26 Policewomen sometimes had to be called from other duties in order to deal with an incident which male colleagues felt incapable of handling .
27 The 1990 inflation target had to be revised from 5.7 per cent , and the final figure for the year was 6.5 per cent , compared with 6.9 per cent in 1989 .
28 The cost of filling BBC2 's hours , one must remember , had to be met from increased licence fees ( controlled by the government ) , marginal economies and earnings from co-productions and sales abroad , and increasingly from the larger fee charged for a colour licence .
29 Further , 25% of tutors ' fees were not grant-aided and thus had to be met from other sources principally donations , subscriptions and through appeals to branches , with some assistance from the National WEA when its own difficult financial position allowed , usually about £50 a year .
30 And in the middle of this came the kidnapping of four students , who had to be ransomed from Zairean rebels across the lake .
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