Example sentences of "in a [adj] [noun sg] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 Fledglings are in a transitional stage because they ca n't quite fly yet but there having to learn how to feed and their parents are teaching them .
2 People must have the right not to belong to a union , but where more than half the workforce demonstrate in a postal ballot that they want to belong , they should be allowed bargaining rights . ’
3 General Secretaries would then be obliged to satisfy the membership and could be put in a classic squeeze when they were approached at top level , even if supporting NoS was against their better judgement .
4 that there are gon na be so many thousands of people in a right mess and they 're
5 The latter lived up to their name with gusto by getting helplessly drunk , being in a celebratory mood because they 'd signed their lucrative CBS contract that very afternoon .
6 In between , I continued my studies in a haphazard way for they never really interested me , knowing in advance my fate .
7 Meanwhile , we have a situation where women find themselves discriminated against and often in a disadvantaged position because they are caring for others .
8 Boro battled well for a hard-earned point in a poor game and they remain six points behind Cambridge but with four games in hand .
9 But until recently British Steel decided that their iron and steel works at Scunthorpe was in a suitable position and they enlarged it .
10 Middlesbrough will be in a strong position if they take full advantage of games in hand .
11 The ‘ floating ’ gardens or chinampas in the lake region just south of modern Mexico City were also oriented in a similar way when they were first built , probably in Teotihuacan times , and this orientation can still be seen in surviving examples .
12 Some teenage mothers get on fine at the usual antenatal classes , but others , like Sara and her friends , obviously do find it much more helpful to go somewhere with people in a similar situation so they can share experiences and gain a sense of friendship and solidarity .
13 23–4–1875 The attention of the Session was drawn to the desirability of having the children brought together on the Sabbath in a central place and they agreed to give the subject further consideration .
14 Now they 're around levels found in a noisy office and they 're getting worse .
15 Caspar was explaining in a hushed voice that they were looking at the Robemaker 's stocks of enchantments .
16 ‘ This is certainly some house he 's got , ’ Richard remarked in a low whisper as they followed Rob along the hall .
17 Because I used to be in a mental institution but they said I was well so I 'm allowed out now .
18 Black children react in a certain way because they feel they are being picked on , and because they react badly then further reaction follows .
19 Well we got the rock and roll ones first well they have , them two have to go together in a certain place cos them are all the rock and roll ones and them are not .
20 The sun was going down and it was in a warm twilight that they reached the summit of their climb .
21 In some cases fleece could be stored on a gallery for a group of spinners , for it is preferable to keep fleeces in a cool atmosphere as they deteriorate in hot and dry conditions .
22 Held , dismissing the appeal , ( 1 ) that the applications to the district judge and the application for judicial review of his decisions had all been made by the applicant in a criminal cause because they related to the manner in which the district court trials should proceed , and so his appeal was not from a judgment of the High Court judge in a civil cause or matter within section 13(2) ( a ) of the Ordinance ; and that , therefore , since no other provision had conferred jurisdiction on the Court of Appeal to entertain the appeal , that court had correctly declined to hear it ( post , pp. 256G , 260E–F , G–H ) .
23 Some of them were in a terrible state because they 'd had an electric shock from the lightning .
24 Waugh was a good writer ruined , Orwell concluded , by superstition : ‘ about as good a novelist as one can be … while holding untenable opinions ’ , and the death of Lord Marchmain at the end of Brideshead predictably repelled him , when an apparently unregenerate peer silently makes the sign of the cross and the two lovers , though divorced , realise in a religious ecstasy that they can never marry .
25 The point is that very few firms now invest large sums of money in a new venture unless they are very sure that there is a demand for it .
26 So I have to go up and visit them , but her parents never come down here , only once in a blue moon when they feel like it .
27 Any deep-seated grubs will take in a lethal dose as they bite their way towards the surface , and the treatment will prevent reinfestation , provided it is thorough .
28 I asked her what on earth happens to people who do n't live in a small town where they are known and therefore helped .
29 Hitherto the ichthyostegids risked the desiccation of the unshielded eggs in a dry environment until they had perfected a method of laying them in a slimy , tapioca-like substance .
30 Many early-music groups in England are required to work in a rapid manner because they do not enjoy the governmental or industrial sponsorship that allows some Continental ensembles to rehearse in a more leisurely ( and in a more experimental ) fashion .
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