Example sentences of "in a [noun sg] [v-ing] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Following the extensive tour , our visitors joined all the JMSA employees for lunch which was held in a marquee overlooking our soccer field , where later in the afternoon a Wadeville team was to do battle against a team from the Germiston plant .
2 The Council indicated a few limited examples of such circumstances ( e.g. to the newly baptized in a Mass following their baptism ) , but here again , once admitted , the essential rightness of Communion under both kinds became more and more widely recognized so that communion is now so given at all Masses in many churches and dioceses throughout the world .
3 A hearing at Bishop Auckland was told that 81-year-old Edith Humphrey died of multiple injuries and her daughter Iris Blenkinsop , 57 , died of chest injuries in a crash involving their car and a tipper lorry .
4 And , in a voice concealing his triumph , the caddie replied , ‘ That 's the only club you have left , sir . ’
5 This is a contagious infection caused by mites burrowing under the skin ( mange is a term used for any condition caused by mites which causes itching and results in a mammal losing its fur ) .
6 There is no harm in a person using his power to consent in order to avert a threat or to extricate himself or others from a dire situation .
7 Erm so in a way knowing your preference , does n't mean that you ca n't do this .
8 On the contrary , the government initiated legal proceedings in late September against Manuel Cabieses , the director of the left-wing magazine Punto Final , for violating the Security Law by insulting the head of the army — the magazine having described Pinochet as " shameless " and " sadistic " and depicted him in a photomontage blowing his nose with the Chilean flag .
9 Patients were simply told that we were aware that emotions could influence how they reacted to illness and were asked to participate in a survey investigating their response to hospital admission for minor surgery .
10 Now , in a letter dismissing his appeal , the DoE inspector insists that a close relationship exists between the hall and the gateway .
11 In a letter confirming their arrangement which Scott sent on the same day , his main concern was to ensure the approval of Stanley and the India Council .
12 In a statement announcing his resignation from the CPSU after its central control commission had recommended his expulsion because of " actions contravening Party statutes and leading to a schism in the Party " [ for Yakovlev 's leadership of the Democratic Reform Movement see p. 38347 ] , he said : " I want to warn society that an influential Stalinist clique has been formed within the leading nucleus of the party , which is against the political course of 1985 [ the year of Gorbachev 's accession ] …
13 When I paused to read the memorial to Jose Rizal , hero of the revolution , I turned round to find about 50 little children in a semicircle watching me open-mouthed .
14 The charge of putting profits before passenger protection was also made by the Transport and General Workers ' Union , the aviation industry 's biggest trade union , in a booklet launching its Aviation Security Charter .
15 Likeable , cordial , he sits down in a chair facing her husband and herself and proceeds to converse with them .
16 On Oct. 2 the US aircraft carrier Independence entered the Gulf , the first to do so for 16 years , in a move placing its aircraft within range of Kuwait and Iraq without refuelling .
17 Neither partner could fail to be aware of the interest in their company which , more than once , threatened to result in a book chronicling their success , especially as Laura had just finished working on the first Laura Ashley Book of Home Decorating .
18 I said and when we got to Glasgow I said there were people in a van blasting their horn they were absolutely mortified because
19 You see a young man in a doorway sharpening his fingernails with a razor-blade , perhaps a common Neapolitan pastime , and useful too if it helps winkle those stray bits of salami from between your teeth .
20 In a speech announcing his decisions , he said he wanted ‘ a wider debate ’ on some points .
21 It stood her in good stead when it came to the areas of change which are always necessary in an organisation approaching its centenary .
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