Example sentences of "in a [noun] that [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In a sense that level of space has now loosened up .
2 Future Neil Kinnocks — or David Blunketts or Michael Meachers or even Ken Livingstones — will find that their best strategy in their early years in national politics will be to act and speak in a way that appeals to ordinary television-watching , newspaper-reading Labour Party members , rather than to the left 's hyperactivists .
3 John Pilger 's TV film last week has roused the conscience of the British people in a way that politicians like us have failed to do .
4 Atheism is an expression of neurosis in a way that belief in a personal God can never be , for it is an irrational and emotional reaction to personal hurts and disappointments .
5 Sabine makes the initial contact in a correspondence that flowers into an exchange of life stories and , eventually , hearts .
6 This encourages a teleological or hierarchical view of the relation between the elements of the structure on the one hand , and its existence as a closed totality on the other : the parts are subordinated to the whole in a manner that conflicts with the principle of différance .
7 It 's the second time in a week that officers from Thames Valley police have spoken out about what they see as abuse of the judicial system .
8 They were filmed for a documentary , ’ Twenty-four Square Miles ’ shot in an area that size in north Oxfordshire .
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