Example sentences of "in the [noun pl] [conj] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There was a scene in the showers and when it was over , Kenneth came up to me and said , ‘ Oh you ought to have seen all the people gathering around you ’ .
2 He realized that we felt disgusted at what had been achieved in the commandos and that he had had this brainwave of small parties behind the lines . ’
3 I think one point is not allowed for in the criteria and that it is of relevance .
4 There was no indication that they , unlike the aggro leaders , were actively engaged in inciting other fans to join in the scraps or that they led concerted attacks against the opposition .
5 ‘ It will be up to every member of the committee to decide whether they can take part in the discussions or whether they have a conflict of interest , ’ he said .
6 She had said that , in the circumstances and since he could do nothing but mumble , she would probably kill herself .
7 For this reason when the head teacher eventually excluded John permanently from school because of his behaviour the EP accepted that the school were acting reasonably in the circumstances and that they had made every effort with John .
8 " Well , you know how it is , things that do n't concern you , in the papers and that you do n't always read " em , do you ?
9 He wanted to know when his name would be in the papers and if he could meet anyone famous .
10 On Feb. 13 Gregorio Rosal of the rebel communist New People 's Army ( NPA ) announced that the NPA did not have a candidate to support in the elections and that its members would not be taking part .
11 I accept that it was not mandatory upon the judge to require that the mother be given notice of the foster mother 's application , but he knew in general terms from the evidence before him that the mother had maintained an active interest in the children and that she was unhappy about the children 's placement with the foster mother .
12 As I took my place with two jamjars in my first Saturday morning kids matinee queue , apprehensive lest the currency had been devalued or even replaced with money , I observed that not only were Royals the heroes in the films but that my choice of cinema was between the Queens and the Royal , and I was warned that before the performance you were supposed to stand for the pianist 's rendition of ‘ God Save the King ’ .
13 At the moment erm because of the extra time we 've got available because production investment has been delayed because of ministerial decisions , we 've set in train three further studies and they will look collectively at alternatives , comparison in combat modelling and also in the numbers and if I could describe those three very briefly because I think they 're the they 're relevant to what we 're talking about .
14 We found in the interviews that once we had got beyond some version of this public model of management , managers attempted to humanize this by drawing on metaphors from their own experience and inner resources .
15 Can I make the point that if you do n't get to the parents of kids kids , before the end of summer term you could be jeopardising the chances of what they 're doing in the SATS because if you get to the parent erm in the beginning of the spring term and say you know , Fred is not doing particularly well because of this the parents are then in a position to do something about it but if you actually tell them once , basically the stable doors closed what can
16 He found now he was speaking to all the eagles in the Cages and that they were listening to him .
17 We played whenever we got the chance in the evenings and if it did nothing else it kept us out of the bar .
18 At least , that is what the Documentation department hope as they carefully record the objects in the collections and where they are stored .
19 We arranged ourselves in the seats and as we headed for Shellerton in the early dark I told her calmly , incompletely and without terrors , the gist of what had befallen us in Sam 's boatyard .
20 Bunyan replied that he could find no justification for the Prayer Book in the Scriptures and that its use was an impediment to man in making known his condition to God .
21 It concluded that no one knew what was in the dumps or if they had the capacity to meet future needs .
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