Example sentences of "a [noun sg] you do [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Now sorry Alan I 've got to turn you up a bit you do n't mind do you ?
2 An offshore wind will become progressively stronger the further you are blown out , and as you find you ca n't cope , you 'll spend more and more time in the water , being pushed in a direction you do n't want to go , at an ever increasing speed .
3 However , overall the women do not complain about the extent of their sacrifices : ‘ In a struggle you do n't see how many people are sacrificed .
4 When legering from a punt you do n't want to be messing about with indicators that require two hands to set .
5 Bowls as in containers ; when you take a crap you do n't say ‘ I 'll just go and smear my excrement up a wall ’ .
6 When you are pulling yourself out of a swamp you do not consult a road map .
7 " You flaming women , you 're so stuffed with bloody honesty it 's a wonder you do n't choke on it .
8 It 's a wonder you do n't get them lifting boilers and things !
9 As a child you do n't know what to do : a child should be able to trust its mother 100 per cent .
10 I ca n't , ca n't really remember that , not too clear cos when you are a child you do n't memorize these things .
11 He would always teach trainees : " If a client asks you a question you do n't understand , say — " Hold on a minute sir , a call has just come through to me from the States " — put him on hold then , and ask me .
12 Just a pity you do n't smoke , ’ were Tommy 's last words as Charlie disappeared across the parade ground at the double .
13 It 's a pity you do n't feel like standing up and racing cos it 's lovely .
14 A pity you do n't remember my book a little better !
15 ‘ I suppose when you spend all that money on a girl you do n't want to spend the evening wheezing into your hankie , do you ?
16 It 's a vehicle you do n't need to think twice about using , no matter what the physical or social demands , and no matter where you 're headed to : to the cottage with all the kids and their friends , to the local shops , to Kitzbühel for the skiing .
17 to the right sort of people , you enjoy driving it 's a shame you do n't drive because then that way you will have your Saturdays free because you could get your shopping done and , and be done .
18 So in a group you do n't need one of everybody you could have just half of these but everybody could fall in maybe two roles within that group .
19 And for a moment you do n't know whether they 're talking about this strange bodily posture or running a club .
20 Where the boss 's response to a complaint might well be ‘ If you do n't like it you can always leave ’ , then sticking with a job you do not like implies that you lack the motivation to go and find something more satisfactory , or that you are incapable of finding anything better .
21 When buying from a dealer , or a person you do not know , it is advisable to take along an independent expert to negotiate on your behalf .
22 When you insert a character you do n't have to make a space before typing it in .
23 In other words , I mean I 'm retired and I mean the point is that my erm experience goes back into the er into the dark ages I can almost say because in these days , you probably realise , I mean if anybody buys a video you do n't ask you do n't look for the book of instructions you ask about a five year old kiddy how to programme it !
24 I said if you go for a drink you do n't have to worry about getting home .
25 Well , when you first come to a station you do n't know anybody , so you 're stuck with the official net , the boards for incoming business , the hall for the locals .
26 In other areas where community charge is not such a factor you do n't get it .
27 Note that if the unit is attached to a wall you do not include the back length .
28 For a start you do n't expect me to behave like some sort of stud .
29 Stopped , just for five minutes , just to have a quick look , and now here you are , in charge of the stall of a woman you do n't know , a woman you 've never seen before in your life , and all because someone called Harry was n't to get away with something — And that man with blue eyes was watching her again .
30 And you 've got a motor-bike you do n't use any more . ’
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