Example sentences of "a [noun sg] that will [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 They 'll go to any lengths to reinstate a dictatorship that will protect them , just as my father 's regime did for forty-five years .
2 Since meeting at a Roy Ayres gig at Ronnie Scotts , hard blowing jazzer Matt Wienevski and rapper/DJ D-Zine have developed a partnership that will see them hailed as the Phil Spectors of London funk .
3 ‘ With a cataract that will flood them ? ’ said Loppe .
4 The urge to return to the sea is now so great that they will wriggle out of a pond and cross dew-drenched meadows if that is necessary to reach a stream that will lead them to salt water .
5 On the other hand these concepts must be introduced in a manner that will make them intelligible .
6 Picture them , Tabitha Jute and Marco Metz , as they walk out across the spaceport tarmac this chilly Schiaparelli evening , to climb aboard the not-quite-redeemed Alice and take off into the Martian sky , bound on a journey that will take them to Plenty — and far , far beyond .
7 for anyone seeking a book that will leave them longing to visit the Hebrides , ISLAND QUEST is the answer .
8 Initially , Aegon will find the additional in a way that will give them a 50 per cent stake in the non-with-profits business .
9 Viewers will see the first , pre-recorded , scenes , then a freezeframe that will ask them how they want the story to end .
10 Fish which feel the need can always nibble at a plant that will help them , in the same way that cows and even dogs know which herbs to eat when they are ill .
11 Keep it loose , you are not planting yet ; the purpose is simply to hold the bushes steady , to protect the roots from drying out and keep them in an environment that will encourage them to begin making new growth .
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