Example sentences of "a [noun sg] that had [been] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A senior academic was arrested ‘ for carrying unsigned tracts ’ of a kind that had been circulating throughout the city for a month .
2 Hoping against hope that she had not ducked out back to her own flat — not that she 'd blame her ! — Leith skirted the room until her eyes were drawn to a settee that had been pushed back to the side of the room .
3 A lone man at nearly midnight , wearing a thin jacket in a storm that had been blowing for over an hour …
4 At an open air market , my daughter bought a jumper that had been reduced in price .
5 There he read out a cablegram that had been sent to MCC in London .
6 ‘ Of course at first I just thought it was someone from a boat that had been driven in by the weather .
7 But if it had been an unusually intelligent bird — an escaped mynah bird , perhaps , or a parrot that had been blown several thousand miles off course by very strong winds — ; it would have thought :
8 While Luce added a liberal amount of sugar and cream to her coffee a question that had been submerged in her mind suddenly resurfaced , and she queried , ‘ How did you know where I was staying ? ’
9 Over by the window there was a wardrobe that had been built to fit into the corner , tall and heavy , mirror-fronted with small brass teardrop handles .
10 In Australia , he had rejuvenated a sport that had been declining for years ; in England , he did exactly the same , leaving people exhilarated by his team 's play wherever they went and creating a great new surge of interest in the game .
11 While the others were talking of Hubert Molland , Peter had felt like a spectator at a play — as if he were watching a scene that had been rehearsed so many times that the actors spoke their lines mechanically , hardly caring about the meaning .
12 Dr Kemp himself ! — the man who had one day been deprived of a jewel which he himself had traced to an American collector , a jewel for which he had been negotiating , a jewel that had been found in the waters below the bridge at Wolvercote in 1873 , a jewel which once united with its mate would doubtless be the subject of some considerable historical interest , and bring some short-term celebrity , possibly some long-term preferment , to himself — to Kemp .
13 One hundred years ago this month a distinguished group of chemists met in Geneva to resolve a crisis that had been developing in organic chemistry .
14 As this was higher than the average rate over such a period that had been experienced at any historical time , something had to be done .
15 Once she was better , he insisted on starting again , explaining to the young woman that he could never resume a canvas that had been abandoned .
16 And the NRPB 's move also emphasized a process that had been continuing for many years .
17 A robotic dispenser arm was whirring nervously and jabbing into Bernice 's neck as it tried to locate an item that was n't there from a shelf that had been removed .
18 Todd had n't spoken in over a minute , but there was a harshness on the line that Ellwood knew to be his breathing , and a thin , reedy , barely audible sound behind that , which resembled nothing so much as a cry that had been buried alive .
19 He felt like a moth that had been sucked in to a candle flame , but the fluttering was in his chest .
20 Gordon went as a member of a party of 57 and presented his talk in an innovative way , starting with usual slide sequence with descriptions of the views , then for the second half showed a video that had been shot on the tour .
21 When we adjourned to the lounge , he glanced down at a newspaper that had been cast aside , commenting in a murmur : ‘ the usual half-finished crossword ! ’
22 Moran was in a rage about tools and a barrow that had been left out in the rain and complained about how much money was being wasted heedlessly about the house all the time .
23 She blinked and looked demurely down at the grey and red carpet which squelched across the floor like a rabbit that had been run over by a lorry .
24 We sat on a tree that had been felled and ate some very tasty ham sandwiches -one of the few picnics I have ever been to .
25 Innocent was the first pope to proclaim publicly that he was the vicar of Christ — a title that had been used previously of themselves by the Byzantine emperors and by the Emperor Henry III ( d. 1056 ) .
26 Her first two charges were a kitten that had been kicked so hard its front paw was broken and a dog who no-one would taken ‘ because it was so strange-looking . ’
27 It was a procedure that had been carried out , albeit with some difficulty , on a number of previous occasions .
28 Minton explained that he had recognised him from a self-portrait that had been exhibited at the AIA Gallery in London .
29 This placed an unfortunate obstacle in the path of the police who might otherwise , simply on the grounds of suspicion , make a ‘ clean sweep ’ of all known criminals — a policy that had been advocated for some years by Matthew Davenport Hill , the Recorder of Birmingham — as a sure means to guarantee the safety of the streets .
30 In January an armoured car of the type that had proved so useful to Trotsky 's campaign blocked the Tashkent-Moscow line and held up a locomotive that had been seized by an armed gang .
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