Example sentences of "a [noun sg] of [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is symbolic that a Babylonian text records a payment of oil to Jehoiakin , the son of the king of Judah , and to seven Greek carpenters who worked for the Babylonian court ( Ancient Near Eastern Texts , 2 ed. , p. 308 ) .
2 There are also many organisations who provide a variety of services to people with HIV/AIDS .
3 Research into the structure of aesthetic development , as well as into ways by which skills might be enhanced , has resulted in a variety of approaches to education .
4 Matroc like other Morgan subsidiaries acknowledges that customers and engineers will have a variety of approaches to problem solving .
5 The above observations involve a variety of routes to chaos .
6 My research indicates a variety of routes to class , trade union and gender consciousness and the probability of interaction between several factors : hardships experienced in a working-class childhood ; changes in household structure , such as taking over the ‘ man 's ’ role of breadwinner ; becoming involved in industrial action ; developing a new awareness of how social life is organised through contact with political or trade union ideologies ; and just growing older and having more time free from actual and ideological family constraints .
7 Exemptions have been raised from a base of £10,000 to £45,000 .
8 If the great Lada exodus really is as successful as the men behind it hope … it could be a case of rust to riches
9 ‘ Not if you 're going to dress me in sailor suits , ’ said Perdita , giving a bit of pastry to Drew 's slavering yellow labrador .
10 Erm , Local Government and Local Council work is often seen as being very drab and indeed we all know that it 's becoming probably less exciting nowadays with the constraints that there are and what Councils still require er in abundance are characters , people who bring a bit of excitement to Council affairs w i at whatever level and I think that one thing that has is character , sadly missing in so many younger politicians I must say .
11 He does , however , devote quite a bit of space to back slapping .
12 First , a bit of background to Blackwells ' Art & Poster Shop .
13 I want a bit of face to face something more interesting this is er getting a little bit tedious .
14 It seems that the chick hangs out in Troy or Carthage when she 's got a bit of cash to bum : Chez Zeus , Goliath 's , Amaryllis , Aphrodite , Romeo & Juliet , Romulus & Remus , Eloise & Abelard …
15 Progressively reducing the twenty Mk 1 sets by half , and acquiring from regular service stock a fleet of Mk 1 first open coaches , Ward put in hand a programme of vehicle refurbishment involving re-upholstering , recarpeting and curtain replacement and the fitting of individual table lamps , with the aim of restoring a level of respectability to coaches which had seen better days .
16 Daly , in a reduction of culture to biology which recalls Dawkins , says that relations between the sexes are ‘ subject to evolutionary change ’ ( 1970 : 145 ) .
17 Other good performers included Unilever , up 18p at 1057p and tobacco giant BAT with a rise of 16p to 960p .
18 Interest waned in the afternoon , but with conditions still said to be ‘ squeezy , ’ the Treasury 11¾p.c. 2003–07 was able to hold on to a rise of £516 to £117⅝ on a yield of 9.13p.c .
19 ‘ In Denmark , design is a part of day to day living , whereas here it is not integral , ’ says Maureen Jordan of NISBI .
20 The ‘ streamlet ’ , in its apparent failure and eventual success , becomes a kind of analogue to Frodo 's pity for Gollum , say , to all appearances useless , in the end decisive .
21 It is a kind of companion to Alan Oakman 's Games for Cricket Training ( 1980 ) , with 105 manoeuvres , scripted and with diagrams , aimed at giving fun with serious purpose .
22 I think erm that sometimes the fact that children have moved to a school where they have a timetable which has got subjects written down on a piece of paper , and the fact that they bring homework back with them and parents can see work in exercise books , sometimes that acts as a kind of reassurance to parents that something is going on which they recognise as education .
23 Pollock puts on his paint-spattered boots — that appear as a kind of homage to Van Gogh — and then he starts to walk around the umprimed canvas laid out on the earth .
24 And she had bloomed and flowered beneath a touch that she sensed deep in her innermost self was not simply skill and experience , but a kind of homage to womanhood .
25 Instinctively he dipped his fingers in the holy water , a kind of regression to childhood , and went and sat on the end of a bench beside two nuns and waited his turn .
26 So various market research interests have put together a classification for research purposes which the majority of research firms now use , which provides a kind of guide to people 's status in the community and their likely spending behaviour .
27 They were given by the Duke of Bedford , who also gave a statue of Bunyan to Bedford Corporation .
28 It was for reasons such as this that every attempt was made to bring a measure of order to war .
29 A BR spokesman said the service was a measure of commitment to rail travel in Cleveland .
30 The widow 's ivory face , framed in its veil of luxurious black curls , seemed more exquisite than ever and Athelstan said a prayer of thanks to God for such beauty .
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