Example sentences of "a [noun sg] be say to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , a quota was said to be imposed on the number of warrants which the Home Office would permit the police at any one time in order to ensure that the need for existing warrants was carefully scrutinized .
2 Ironically , Lorentz 's disagreement with then-Prime Minister Edith Cresson over having NEC as a shareholder was said to be a prime reason for his departure .
3 If we turn first to the best-known Tudor textbook , the so-called ‘ Royal Grammar ’ originally produced by Lily and Colet for St Paul 's School , but becoming virtually ubiquitous after a proclamation by Edward VI in 1548 ordering its use in all grammar schools — it was undoubtedly used by Shakespeare — we find that a pronoun is said to be ‘ a parte of speeche , much lyke to a noune , whyche is used in shewyng or rehersyng ’ .
4 Suppose a scene is said to be in correct perspective ?
5 Much attention has been focused on the concept of ‘ reasonable excuse ’ , where the courts have attempted to impose a fairly stringent test on persons whose reason for carrying a weapon is said to be fear of attack .
6 A certain number of members must be present before a meeting is said to be quorate and can proceed .
7 For example , if pottery from a pit is said to be of a particular date by the specialist , a decision has to be taken as to how , if at all , that date relates to the pit in which the pottery was found .
8 Loosely , a policy is said to be time-inconsistent if , once it has been adopted , there is an incentive at some later date to renege or cheat on it .
9 For instance , in Eads v Williams ( 1854 ) 24 LJ Ch 531 , arbitrators fixing the rent of a mine were said to be entrusted , from their experience and observation , to form a judgment , and therefore not to need to examine witnesses .
10 A transaction is said to be internalized when its administration involves the use of authority rather than voluntary bargaining between people in a market .
11 Children of such a union are said to be born with webbed feet or scaly skin , although as with any fairy/mortal mating the child will be uncommonly gifted .
12 A pronunciation of a word is said to be assembled when it is built up piecemeal from its component letters .
13 A word is said to be recognised at the point when a particular word can be uniquely distinguished from all other words in the cohort .
14 A relation is said to be transitive if the fact that it holds between two elements A and B , and also between B and some third element C , guarantees that it holds between A and C. The relation ’ — is longer than — ’ is thus transitive , because if A is longer than B , and B is longer than C , we can be sure that A is longer than C. In the case of an intransitive relation , on the other hand , the fact that it held between A and B , and between B and C , would entail that it did not hold between A and C. For instance , if A were the father of B , and B the father of C , then A could not be the father of C ; the relation ’ — father of — ’ is thus intransitive .
15 A chamber-pot is said to be on offer with Mozart on the outside and Salieri inside ; and in the bookshops , serious biographical and analytical works are well hidden under a catch-crop of sugary Mozart nostalgia .
16 A natural monopoly in such a position is said to be not sustainable .
17 The absence of such a scheme was said to be a disincentive to those who might otherwise be encouraged to exercise their inventive talents to the full .
18 Last month more than a thousand women in Birmingham were recalled after a nurse was said to be using the wrong type of spatula .
19 A B-tree is said to be of order m when every node has at least m/2 children , and at most m children , except the root and the leaf nodes .
20 A language is said to be recursively enumerable if a program could be written that would print out each sentence of the language .
21 Such an enzyme is said to be ‘ allosteric ’ : it can exist in two forms .
22 Recall from Chapter 6 that an equilibrium is said to be a stable one when economic forces tend to push the market towards it .
23 There is a statutory provision about the position of arbitrators : under s1 of the Arbitration Act 1950 , the authority of an arbitrator is said to be irrevocable , but it may be revoked with leave of the court .
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