Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [vb past] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I accept that very frequently a decision made which directly affects one person or body will also affect , indirectly , a number of other persons or bodies , and that the law does not require the decision-making body to give an opportunity to every person who may be affected however remotely by its decision to make representations before the decision is reached .
2 Yes I want to go in , oh when I come round I need a contract signed I also need an order with this wording on it .
3 The sentences against the rebels were confirmed , and a statute passed which formally annulled the Ordinances and sought to ensure that no such accroachment of royal power could ever again be lawful .
4 When a reply arrived which simply said , ‘ The Private Secretary is commanded to express the thanks of The Queen for the kind message of congratulation which you have forwarded to Her Majesty ’ , the assembly rose to its feet and cheered .
5 I nearly lost my life again , when a lady picked me up to put me in the boat .
6 A teacher showed us how to make a turkey , using two hands superimposed .
7 Mr McBride had taken the money after a nephew advised him not to keep it at home .
8 UNLU would not have given such a warning had it not feared how the PLO outside might behave .
9 Like the woman famed in the bairns ' rhyme , ‘ who lived in a shoe , and had so many children she did not know what to do , ’ Martha in her Boat-house kept so many lodgers — the cooking of meals , making of beds , and washing of linen for such a host made her often remark , ‘ I have so much wark , I dinna know what to do first ; ’ and then she had a husband to work for .
10 At last a doctor arrived who actually knew what to do .
11 A neighbour said he often saw Mr Huang spending hours walking aimlessly up and down the town 's Yarm Road .
12 But there was always much debate about the level at which each ratio should be set , and much bitterness when an industry considered itself badly treated .
13 An attendant warned us not to deface public property .
14 ‘ Put me down , ’ she whispered through dry lips , and only after what seemed an eternity did he slowly lower her to one side .
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