Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [coord] give [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was partly with the new saw table and also he wanted to try and get more er sellable saleable product out of the slate , cos previously we had been throwing away quite a bit or giving it to and I think it really started as a family argument between him and his brother .
2 He said he 'd put them away for a bit and give them to Oliver when he started smoking again .
3 The first is that of Aphrodite and Adonis : Aphrodite , the great Goddess , hides the child Adonis in a chest and gives him to Persephone , Goddess of the Underworld , who falls in love with Adonis and refuses to give him back .
4 This lets off grandad who makes grandson John a toy and gives it to him for Christmas .
5 Pius XII also blessed a rosary and gave it to him — when he returned to London , he placed it on his mantelpiece with other memorabilia .
6 The witchdoctor poured some milky medicine from a large bottle into a spoon and gave it to me to drink .
7 Another ploy I have heard suggested is to knit a garment and give it to , say , a friend to wear at the office .
8 Aileen Gillies was all brisk agreement as she wrapped up some food in a cloth and gave it to them while her husband busied himself with laying the fire .
9 From it she took a shilling and gave it to Sarah .
10 Set down ten pairs of cards , pick them up in a pack and give them to onlookers to cut a few times .
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