Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [that] they could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In Thurcroft , South Yorkshire , the same issues arose ; women had found their feet but needed to identify a route that they could now follow ( People of Thurcroft , 1986 ) .
2 What criteria would police and immigration officials use in their search for ‘ potential terrorists ’ on a train that they could not use at a static checkpoint or airport ?
3 My Bill would establish a new constitutional settlement for Scotland , create a Parliament with a fixed four-year term , provide for elections by a system of proportional representation , establish a Bill of Rights , create the office of ombudsman , give to the Parliament revenue-raising responsibility , entrench these arrangements in such a way that they could not be changed without the consent of both the Westminster and Scottish Parliaments and provide that all Scottish domestic affairs should be the responsibility of a Parliament sitting in Edinburgh , reserving foreign affairs , defence and large-scale economics to Westminster .
4 Suppose , for example , we had as our task the programming of two robots in such a way that they could systematically aid one another in an open range of tasks : what properties beyond the specific abilities required for the tasks would they need to have ?
5 There 's a lot of emphasis these days about individuals growing as individuals , but are you really saying that because women are obviously individuals they ought to be given the opportunity of growing in a way that they could only do if they had jobs ?
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