Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [that] [was/were] to be " in BNC.

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1 As Democratic majority leader in the Senate between 1954 and 1960 , he had perfected the " Johnson treatment " , a technique that was to be of immense value to him in the presidency .
2 Historicity is a mode of knowledge for some societies but can not ipso facto claim to be the fundamental basis of knowledge for all of them — a point that was to be re-emphasized by Foucault in The Order of Things .
3 That is one version : another is that Arnoux was using Nguyen as a police spy , a charge that was to be made again and again .
4 It was a theme that was to be taken up by mediators between the two kingdoms until the outbreak of the Hundred Years War .
5 And the dream took her into hospital where the nice young man was lying in bed with his head bandaged and she was holding his hand ; and the dream brought a little comfort to the events of a night that was to be the turning point in her life .
6 The sight of his small and snake-like frame weaving through packed defences virtually established the image of the tiny and recalcitrant Scottish forward , a mantle that was to be worn with tetchy pride by successors like Willie Henderson , Jimmy Johnstone , Gordon Strachan , David Speedie and Mo Johnston .
7 Rosen was introduced to Katharine Hamnett by John May , a Face journalist who worked with her on the ill-fated Tomorrow , a magazine that was to be , bravely , ‘ a mix of fashion and politics ’ .
8 Everywhere there was a new spirit of intellectual enquiry , a spirit that was to be associated not with the old monasteries but with new centres of learning and of study in the towns and connected more with secular masters than with monks .
9 I am bound to say that I do not believe that this debate has reached the level of fizz that one might have associated with a Bill that was to be fought doggedly tooth and nail by the Opposition .
10 The remainder of Cynthia 's visit was spent in supporting Dorothy 's arm while she wrote a letter that was to be given to the solicitor — a Mr Graham Lytham of Messrs Granby , Hemingford and Bowles — and handed in person to Dorothy 's son when he received his gift .
11 The whole sorry enterprise generated a cynicism that was to be heightened by the Watergate scandal , which emerged as the tragedy of Vietnam was moving to its last stages ( p. 104 ) .
12 Bukharin thus posed the problem facing the Bolsheviks in its starkest form , a problem that was to be hotly debated for nearly a decade to come .
13 However , the first working-class terraced houses were already being built on Everton Road , a street that was to be described in 1875 as ‘ a dense thoroughfare of a somewhat shabby and second rate character ’ .
14 A priori then , it would seem that Ho Chi Minh and his government were only to be regarded as an extension of Soviet power ; an assumption that was to be reinforced by the second constraint which originated in the Department of State .
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