Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [be] [prep] the way " in BNC.

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1 Jack had married the daughter of the Westward family , as unlikely a match as was ever known in the country , but necessary since a child was on the way .
2 Moving furniture is always a sign that a move is on the way .
3 Sam 's business acumen , now even more sharpened , concentrated on further expansion ( Imperial Chemicals , take warning — a take-over is on the way ) .
4 ‘ There is n't a single economic indicator which suggests that a recovery is on the way .
5 Equal numbers have congratulated the ad agency for reviving memories of the thrill of discovering a baby is on the way .
6 Perhaps he would wait until a baby was on the way , for Mrs Darne had not failed to notice that these days extramarital pregnancy , once a horrible disgrace , was often the loudly publicized occasion for a wedding , with the bride , far from ashamed of herself , carrying all proudly before her .
7 There were one or two ladies in Baldersdale who were very good at midwifery , which was just as well when a baby was on the way and the doctor could n't get there in time , or the weather impeded him .
8 John Franklin , director of corporate finance at the merchant bank Morgan Grenfell , whose clients include both societies and prospective bidders , is convinced a bid for a society is on the way : ‘ The first merger will see the light of day early next year . ’
9 At first it went slowly , but in December Luch could tell the bees , warm in their straw wrappings , that an heir was on the way .
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