Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [conj] [vb pp] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 He poured it from a Victorian coffee pot waiting on a hotplate and launched into a description of a case he 'd just won punctuated by blasts of laughter and big gestures .
2 I 'd only been there about five minutes when they came to escort me off down to Bleak House , where I was stripped naked and given a blanket and put into a cell .
3 Meredith , who had served in nothing more bloody than the Catering Corps , called a break and clambered into the orchestra pit to mangle Bach on the piano .
4 One aspect of his work is the application of radiesthesic coils ( a spiral of wire or copper attached to a stake and driven into the ground ) .
5 My right hon. Friend will know that reserve aeroplanes can not simply be trundled out of a hangar and launched into the air .
6 McLeish repressed a grin and bustled into the big noisy pub on the corner , receiving an instant acknowledgement from one of the bartenders , who all knew any member of the C1 hierarchy .
7 On a slab and piled into a stone sink were torsos of human beings , one or two of them opened and filleted like pigs ' carcasses .
8 She was grabbed from behind by a man and forced into a car where another man was waiting .
9 Along the route he was stopped by a dwarf and led into the mountain , where he was told to empty his grain sacks and fill them with gold .
10 Scrape out the flesh with a teaspoon and put into a food processor or blender with the next four ingredients .
11 The dog was pulled away by a neighbour and locked into a garage .
12 have been taken over with a vengeance and put into the anthropological perspective which in the poem Eliot has applied to so much past literature .
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