Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] have give " in BNC.

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1 I used to follow a bit but I had to give it up .
2 And I 'd like to bet there 's quite a few of the blokes down there ’ — she jerked her head to the side — ‘ look upon this war as a godsend because it 's given them a legitimate excuse to leave their shanties .
3 Discussions have taken place with the Shropshire County Council Leisure Services Department with regard to the setting up of a Museum and they have given much helpful advice including a visit to the proposed building .
4 The first book , A Plea for the Faithful Restoration of our Ancient Churches , was based on a lecture that he had given and came out in 1850 .
5 ‘ I worked in a crèche before I had to give that up to look after Gran .
6 Looking at her emaciated body , it was a miracle that she had given birth to him in the first place .
7 Yeah well I 'm , I 'm gon na try and get the final year lecture for Tuesday sorted actually on Saturday and erm it 's usually , it 's usually Guy but I think I 'm doing it this week , yeah , because I 've got quite a few to do on things like racist in the media and Guy 's mate Dennis has just written a book and he 's given me a manuscript of it and it 's about how racist psychology is which is
8 The RAF says the Russians are in one of the worst possible places in the world for a rescue but they have to give it a try .
9 The RAF says the Russians are in one of the worst possible places in the world for a rescue but they have to give it a try .
10 Not a medium so he 's given him the small so he 's thinking if if it does n't fit he 's still made the sale .
11 If asked , Captain Rudakov would not have been able to recall an occasion when he had given ground , important or trivial , to Major Kypov .
12 That 's an assurance that we 've given them .
13 He and I have had a series of meetings about the provision of the slip road , and he reminded me of an undertaking that I had given when Minister responsible for health matters a few years ago .
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