Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [conj] [verb] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Edward Taylor has the subtlety to realise that comparisons with Christie and Conan Doyle are inevitable , so he 's steered a course that dips into the best of both camps , while creating a distinctive style of his own .
2 Clinton grew a beard and moved into a house in Leckford Road which he shared with Strobe Talbot and Frank Aller .
3 There was a silence so complete she could hear the slight rasp in Mrs Browning 's chest , a rasp that broke into a cough she seemed to welcome .
4 ‘ Islam , ’ he was constantly telling Robert , ‘ is not a faith that pries into a person 's soul .
5 They later opened fire with a sawn-off Kalashnikov rifle at a pursuing police car before abandoning their Sierra car in a field and disappearing into the countryside , Mr Nutting said .
6 He poured it from a Victorian coffee pot waiting on a hotplate and launched into a description of a case he 'd just won punctuated by blasts of laughter and big gestures .
7 A BUS swerved to avoid a truck and plunged into a ravine east of the Philippine capital , Manila , yesterday , killing at least 21 people .
8 The pilot , who was later court martialled , was unable to pull up from a dive and ploughed into the ground .
9 I 'd only been there about five minutes when they came to escort me off down to Bleak House , where I was stripped naked and given a blanket and put into a cell .
10 Jump on the channel switch and the Atlantis drops a gear and transmutes into the meanest , screamiest Rick you 've ever heard .
11 He started up , engaged a gear and moved into the line of cars , three behind the Renault .
12 Meredith , who had served in nothing more bloody than the Catering Corps , called a break and clambered into the orchestra pit to mangle Bach on the piano .
13 Revving fast in low gear the Citron swerved in a half-circle and smashed into the bank at the roadside , flinging the coolie clear .
14 He kicked his feet free of a vine and rolled into the water , the drag of the rope almost strangling him .
15 She put her glass down on a rock and walked into the waters of the lough , gasping as it rose up her thighs and touched her lower belly .
16 Something interesting happened to me that I never really thought about , erm , but I used to get these dreams where I used to dream that I 'd be either falling off a cliff or driving a car and getting into an accident and like or driving off a cliff .
17 ‘ Yes , ’ replies Craftsman Browne , ‘ but I 'm going to make the most of it — Geordie and I are going to hire a car and drive into the States to visit Yellowstone Park , getting back in time to spend a night in the Cadillacs Club in Medicine Hat … . ’
18 An inquest heard how the coach swerved to avoid a car and crashed into a motorway bridge support .
19 The wall was just the right height for the dog to make a leap and bark into the ear of the passers by .
20 These vowel changes are brought about by rules — not the sort of rules that one might teach to language learners , but more like the instructions that one might build into a machine or write into a computer program .
21 Monuments to a dream that turned into a nightmare , they can still be seen from afar , standing tall and silent like dinosaurs waiting to become extinct .
22 One aspect of his work is the application of radiesthesic coils ( a spiral of wire or copper attached to a stake and driven into the ground ) .
23 They expect to sell to a developer and move into a modern bungalow on 13 acres less than a mile away .
24 Instead , close your eyes , take a few deep breaths , then breathe out as a sigh and relax into the experience .
25 The Clipboard contents may , however , be copied to a file and reloaded into the Clipboard as required .
26 A rock outcrop , set into the bank , acts as host to a stream that tumbles into the water below .
27 Well he does , he goes in on Saturdays very often , he goes in on Sundays very often , you know , goes up to have a look at a site or goes into the office to look over something in peace without the phone ringing all that 's sort of thing , he puts in a lot of time that 's not strictly accounted for , Gerry did , I did as a teacher , but then we were well paid .
28 The hum of the tyres on the road lulled her into a doze that deepend into a sound sleep .
29 Peter followed from a distance and went into the Court Guard of the High Priest 's house .
30 She imagined it as a tiny surge welling over a dam and splashing into a parched valley .
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