Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [conj] [verb] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 The principal difficulty I have on this aspect of the case is that in Mr. Lester 's submission reference to Parliamentary material as an aid to interpretation of a statutory provision should be allowed only with leave of the court and where the court is satisfied that such a reference is justifiable : ( a ) to confirm the meaning of a provision as conveyed by the text , its object and purpose ; ( b ) to determine a meaning where the provision is ambiguous or obscure ; or ( c ) to determine the meaning where the ordinary meaning is manifestly absurd or unreasonable .
2 ‘ If anything can be concluded from this book , it is that I was born , ’ writes Sisson after touching on that event , which occurred 75 years ago in a building since occupied by the Bristol Rovers Supporters Club .
3 Then I turned to the other side of the coin — the Civil War that might break out , even if Reunion were voted in by a majority and approved by the Dáil .
4 Police say the dog could have been used in a fight or dumped by an uncaring owner who could not afford to have the animal registered under dangerous dog legislation .
5 Either a self-referral or referred by the G P , or by a consultant , or by the hospital , or one or two other sources .
6 Use quiet music on a tape or played by the organ or music group .
7 On the same day a Shop Window 92 Shore Event will take place in front of Middlesbrough Civic Centre , including a march and displays by the Royal Marine Band of the Flag Officer Scotland and Northern Ireland .
8 For the purpose of this project text is categorised in terms of how it is produced ( i.e. printed by a machine or handwritten by a person ) , and how it is input to the computer for recognition ( i.e. is it recognised dynamically as a person writes or already existing text which is scanned in ) .
9 It 's a forty foot long boat paddled by twenty people driven on by a drummer and steered by an oarsman
10 Mr. Thornton argued first that the whole concept of Stardust Jewellers involved a deceit or trick by the police designed to deprive visitors to the shop of their protection or privilege against self-incrimination .
11 The word trespasser has anti-social connotations , and to say that a duty was automatically owed to a trespasser but qualified by the standard , may have been too sophisticated .
12 Set back from these two , on the middle bay of the original W front , is the soaring W wall topped with a machicolation and entered by the fine late Romanesque and early Gothic doorway with its 13th century tympanum of Christ and the Four Beasts , its unusually long foliaged lintel with four Latin rhyming couplets and a lucid signature by Bernardus DE III VIIS ( de Tréviers ) dated 1178 , and the powerful bas-reliefs of SS Paul and Peter , with sword and keys , all carved in various marbles from antique sources .
13 His familiar way of observing things from a distance while highlighting a small detail — described in a different context by Hardy himself when he wrote , ‘ If I were a painter , I would paint a picture of a room as viewed by a mouse from a chink under the skirting ’ , and by the modern poet and critic Tom Paulin when he talks of Hardy wearing his imagination like a miner 's lamp — was now enriched by the workings of memory and the passage of time on the original observation .
14 Each section was examined through a microscope and scored by a single observer ( without knowledge of tissue type or site of origin ) from zero to four depending on the number of cells reacting .
15 The root of so-called ‘ democratic theory ’ is not the rationalist optimism about the perfectibility of human society , but scepticism about the possibility of such perfection and the determination not to allow human life to be perverted by the tyranny of a person or fixed by the tyranny of an idea .
16 A weapon of offence is defined in s.10(1) ( b ) as " any article made or adapted for use for causing injury to or incapacitating a person or intended by the person having it with him for such use " .
17 As he says : ‘ it is hard to imagine how the conception of a tree as tenanted by a personal being could be more plainly expressed . ’
18 She poured herself a drink and stood by the door watching the innocent evening settle on the graveyard .
19 In the Soviet Union the emphasis on ‘ socialist legality ’ meant that the interests of particular individuals had to give way to the interests of society as a whole as interpreted by the party and government .
20 Also known as the COCKATRICE it has a cock 's comb on its head and it is born from an egg laid by a rooster and hatched by a snake .
21 Set in the prohibition era , it gleefully played with conventions , maximised Monroe 's diaphanous ( cf the scene where she attempts to arouse the supposedly impotent Curtis ) and coaxed a manic , uproarious turn from Lemmon , on the run from gangsters , disguised as a woman and pursued by a randy millionaire .
22 In the dome is represented the Ascension with Christ seated on a rainbow and surrounded by a ring of angels and apostles alternating with olive trees .
23 So I sat down on a chair that stood by the counter and looked around the shop while waiting for Mary to emerge from behind the colourful painted screen where she was trying things on .
24 This silence has a sub-text when accompanied by a slightly smug buttoned-up look , implying subtly that if one were only free to utter , one might have something very interesting to say .
25 At the Dhoon Quarry , where the engine was given a drink from a convenient fire hydrant , the turnround was made using a crossover and helped by a gravity shunt .
26 Every order made in such a cause or matter by an English court , is an order in a criminal cause or matter , even though the order , taken by itself , is neutral in character and might equally have been made in a cause or matter which is not criminal .
27 However , the appointment of a receiver must not be equated with that of a liquidator : ( i ) where a receiver is appointed the company need not go into liquidation and if it does the same person who acted as receiver will normally not be appointed liquidator ; ( ii ) liquidation is a class action designed to protect the interests of the unsecured creditors whereas , as we shall see , receivership is designed to protect the interests of the security holders who appointed the receiver and it is for this reason that a receiver can be appointed even where the company is in liquidation ; ( iii ) liquidation terminates the trading power of the company whereas this is not the case with receivership ; ( iv ) a liquidator has power to disclaim onerous property , something not possible in the case of receivership ; ( v ) a liquidator in a compulsory winding up is an officer of the court whereas this is not the case with a receiver unless appointed by the court ; ( vi ) lastly , it is easier to obtain recognition of liquidation as opposed to receivership in proceedings in foreign courts .
28 Carrying a lance and attended by a wolf Mars did , however , have his bloodthirsty moments .
29 Specialists exist who undertake the drafting of the bill , usually for a commission calculated on the total amount of the bill or for a salary if employed by a large firm of solicitors .
30 They do not form as dense a fog as measured by the Fog Index , but when you use cloudy phrases a mist gathers .
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