Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [pron] was [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The toilet was er at the back of what we used to call the brew house it was n't a kitchen it was a brew house , and er the , the toilet was at the back of the brew house adjacent to the old ash pit , which was an ash pit in those days it was filled up and when it was filled , they used to come at night and empty the ash pit wheel up the entry it might be there for three or four months and you got flies , bluebottles all sorts in the hot weather you know , I could n't try my shoes on sometimes , but er it was a bit , well I suppose in those days they used to take it for granted , it was a bit primitive it was n't the best five houses in the area , but er
2 It is , it was a case it was a case with me that I was black or white and that 's why that 's why it hit the press like it did .
3 Yeah I mean she for a bit she was the party was n't she ?
4 I am reminded of the sincerity of your faith a faith which was the light in your your grandmother and Eunice your mother before you and which I am confident now lives in you .
5 As the loss to an owner-occupier was economic loss , the courts sidestepped the problems this presented by framing the duty in terms of not constructing a building which was a danger to the health and safety of the occupier ( Anns v Merton London Borough Council [ 1978 ] AC 728 ) .
6 Other times she made me promise to keep them for ever , to remember her by , and say a prayer She was a bit vague who it was I was to pray to .
7 ‘ Apart from once having a porter who was a burglar , I think it is .
8 I know I thought I 'd turned it off , I 'm going to have a look , something seems to be making a noise it was the vent
9 Roberto Lui Wu , a congressman who was a member of Fujimori 's small political party , was shot dead by masked gunmen as he had lunch in a Lima market yesterday .
10 A killer who was the son of an Argentinian playboy and a nightclub singer from somewhere near Catania .
11 The 70th was raised in Surrey in 1756 and as a result it was the junior of the two regiments .
12 I knew the chances were he would n't remember to do this , and said good-bye with a lightness which was a piece of very good acting .
13 Now a pinafore what was the word ?
14 And that was the only time that I 've fired a rifle cos , well actually I went got , rose to a corporal I was a corporal when they finished and erm I was in er made cor lance corporal and then I was er with a heavy Vickers machine gun , that 's the one with the has water cooled casing on it the big heavy one you see , and I was with that , that team .
15 For the first time in my life I had a lover who was a companion .
16 For a second there was no sound except the swish of that wind across the hillside .
17 Er the er the lady he was a widower and his , er his f er he was with a lady who was a widow and erm I know for a fact that she 'd not spent a penny , she had n't p you know for a you know , of the trip or , or he just would n't let her , I mean , I mean you , you 've got to have some money have n't you to keep
18 If there was any sign of a rastrellamento in the neighbouring villages or in our own , a carabiniere who was a friend of the family used to cycle over and warn her .
19 With finance coming partly from the Parent-Teacher Association ( PTA ) and partly from capitation , the library was gutted , refurbished and painted during the summer holidays , the labour being provided by teachers , fifth-form and sixth-form pupil librarians , the caretaker and a parent who was a builder .
20 Like Lord Byron [ q.v. ] , who suffered a similar deprivation and whom he would grow to resemble in other ways , Douglas hero-worshipped the absent captain , at twelve beginning an autobiographical essay : ‘ As a child he was a militarist , and like many of his warlike elders , built up heroic opinions upon little information — some scrappy war stories of his father . ’
21 As a child he was a train spotter ; now he owns a class 25 diesel that is active on a line not far from his home in Merseyside .
22 There had been an argument and the youths had overturned the ice-cream barrow , and after a chase there was a scuffle with the police .
23 If you look from towards , which was a large house in a clump of trees , at the far side was a pavilion which was the clubhouse , they used to hold air displays and pleasure flights , also they had commercial flights .
24 ‘ A crown to a groat it was the boy , ’ said Hugh .
25 A girl who was a hairdresser gave Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia a blue rinse .
26 That was er a flat in Plumtree , we were offered a flat on the first floor and when we examined the kitchen it was extremely obvious to me that our gas cooker would n't fit in the , the place where it was designed to fit , when I asked where do we put the washing machine I was informed that most tenants kept the washing machine on the balcony , when I said well where do we put the refrigerator , well most people keep the refrigerator either in the hall or , or rather not a hall it was a passageway , in the passageway or in the living room , now it does seem to me with hindsight that if that 's planning I , to use an old fashion London phrase , I 'm a Dutchman .
27 The Ruth-W discharged the first 2,911 tonne cargo of 330 concrete coated steel pipes in less than a day , a cargo which was the forerunner of four shipments a week up to the end of the year , a total of 150,000 tonnes .
28 All this was achieved at the cost of only two S.A.S. soldiers killed — Captain Roy Bradford and a trooper who was a mechanic for the jeeps , both casualties in the one incident — and seven men wounded .
29 In place of a sermon there was a time of quiet in which women present spoke to the theme of ‘ creation ’ , some from the perspective of giving birth .
30 He said from a place which was the castle 's chosen Subject , and had hinted , she thought , that there was another way to get to this place , but refused to be more specific .
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