Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [prep] which it had " in BNC.

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1 Was the Council willing to embark on a major new undertaking in a field in which it had only limited experience , none of it in the validation of teacher education itself ?
2 Others have progressed rapidly in the beginning , only to experience considerable difficulty in overcoming the final hurdle — almost as though the mind was loath to give up a fear to which it had been clinging for years .
3 Yet there must have been a point at which it had clearly failed as a general expedient , and some may always have considered it shameful .
4 This opinion required that the other party to the Mandate agreement , South Africa , accept supervision by a body to which it had not consented and which was not even in existence at the time of the agreement .
5 Trade union activity is gradually gathering strength again after a period in which it had been almost impossible to act publicly .
6 It is hardly likely that a local authority would grant permission for a development against which it had served an enforcement notice , but it could , of course , attach conditions ; and for the owner there is the usual right of appeal .
7 But Mr Bush told the U N Security Council in New York that Iraq must put the right wrong it has done in seizing a nation to which it had no right .
8 I realized , in a way in which it had never struck me before , what a need there was for Black people ( naturally ) to see themselves as in the image of their God , and their God as in their image .
9 Wirral was portrayed as being a community in a state of shock caught up in a problem for which it had no explanations or obvious solution .
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