Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [coord] it " in BNC.

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1 But one must still be wary the fact that although we 've got this nice electric gadget , that we drop the probe into a bucket of water and it gives us er a salinity it is still entirely dependent on this ratio and this ratio is based on the constancy of composition which is very good for open ocean waters but breaks down in coastal waters where erosional processes , where fresh water additions and the sediment loads of the rivers may actually alter this ratio , okay ?
2 Your turn er and they have erm they do hedge this is I mean our policy is broadly to hedge er o on a twelve month rolling forecast forward er to what extent and what timing is a function of judgment and it is true that the erm er Doulton receivables for ninety three are seventy percent hedged already at a little above the current spot rate .
3 Now on the trial pack we make a bit of money and it would employ somebody you know , somebody who 's been ill .
4 I get a bit of paper and it 's more official but I still do n't get anywhere . ’
5 so one council 's got a bit of paper and it ties up with the other one when you come here but if you do n't , if you have n't paid before you could n't tell them you were leaving
6 If not really bad , certain conformational faults need not bar a mare from breeding but it is important to be aware of them in order to make sure the stallion you choose is strong in the areas where the mare is weak .
7 ‘ Then there was a whoosh of flame and it went quiet .
8 This is a mixture of tiredness and a kind of boredom and it produces a deterioration in mental performance .
9 Within a cell what happens is this right a cell , what happens is that erm D N A is copied on to something called erm R N A , which is a kind of template , messenger R N A , it 's a kind of copy and it 's a single strand , corresponding to one of the strands on the original D N A with the same base structure .
10 He created around himself at Hamilton Terrace a kind of family and it was this aspect of his life that allowed Susan Einzig to conceive of herself as a mother figure .
11 Despite this period there was always a mass of cloud and it was quite normal for us to go down to see if one could identify some feature .
12 Well , now I 've been past many a field of hay but it does n't smell like it used to in my young days .
13 If my right hon. Friend succeeds in gaining enough support for his efforts , the European Community will set up a framework of support and it will be up to individual countries to decide , within that framework , how they wish to use the funds .
14 When I move on to three eight one , three eight two there 's a lot of things been said about these benefits this morning which does n't leave much left for me but looking at the situation of the way this Tory government has in the last thirteen years , certainly since nineteen eighty two crucified the benefits paid genuinely to people is in itself a crime upon society and it reminds me of the the words of the song it 's the rich that get the gravy and it 's the poor that get the blame and nothing , but nothing has changed since those words were written many many years ago .
15 There is a deal within sight and it ought not to be like this between friendly nations . ’
16 This is usually tucked away under a fold of skin but it can be quickly erected and used as a weapon .
17 S er got one lone piece and it 's got a piece of wedge and it 's got another piece sticking up and something sticking out of that piece of branch or something sticking out of that .
18 It was a piece of thing and it screwed up .
19 This was open desert , and there was not a dune in sight and it was firm underfoot .
20 This is a question of fact but it is crucial .
21 We are looking at Road , that 's the assurance , we are considering that er as er an extension but there is n't funding available for that within the present programme so we will come back with a proposal for Road but it will have to be compared with other big schemes so the scheme we are proposing now is the one that 's before you , which er I wo n't comment on unless people have questions .
22 The Ferret was never happy when anyone other than himself was examining a scene of crime and it seemed to Dalgliesh that his impatience to get on with the job came through the wall as a palpable force .
23 He sat on a huge leather chair with a sigh of relief and it was clear to Hari that his leg had been giving him trouble .
24 There was a place for tradition but it was not here .
25 We did n't want to kill them full , you see , they 're , that was a waste of food and it was n't so good for them .
26 God knows , the threat of a changed will is a hoary old chestnut as a motive for murder but it remains a perfectly good one .
27 This is a festival of celebration and it should be celebrated in every way .
28 Er except there 's a day of action but it 's right that 's right into November now so you can hear about that .
29 A ramshackle despotism encourages irresponsibility ; there was always a chance of success and it was the weakest of the conspiracies — that of 1820 — which defeated the government .
30 The alternative notion is the idea that you impose meaning on the input , in which case it 's a top down process and it relies on contextual information and information that you already have i on previous knowledge .
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