Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [prep] [noun] over [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , it enabled him to use the very struggle for a subject , which had occupied so much of his line , since we can partly see that struggle as a struggle within Milton over his own humanist heritage .
2 Julia came round just as he was erecting a kind of tent over her bed .
3 While force and the means of destruction are primarily physical realities , the path to their deployment in the manner we now fear is through the emotions and decisions of beings who are able to achieve a measure of control over their actions .
4 An sure enough , last year Heinz had to withdraw its sponsorship of the second Green Shopping Day at the last minute amid a storm of publicity over its tuna fishing methods , which were allegedly killing dolphins .
5 ( On Sept. 7 , at the end of a two-day debate for which the UK House of Commons had been recalled from its summer recess , the UK government had won a vote of confidence over its handling of the Gulf crisis , by 437 votes to 35 . )
6 It was only when Fawn Hall testified , flicking back her hair in a fetching manner , that Inouye joined in the spirit of the proceedings , holding a piece of paper over his eyes to see her better in the glare of the television lights .
7 This work is grounded in the view that this kind of awareness on the part of children as writers enables them to gain a degree of control over their imagination ( see Rowland , The Enquiring Classroom , 1984 and ‘ Responding to Children 's Interests ’ , 1986 ) .
8 She had to get her hands back on the reins , had to re-establish at least a degree of control over her own life .
9 Jacqueline Bridger , 46 , poured a can of petrol over her head in the office of Michael Sargeant , the man she claimed had been her lover , the Old Bailey was told .
10 Will your household insurance pay for the damage if you spill a can of paint over your wall-to-wall carpet , put your foot through the bedroom ceiling , or demolish a load-bearing wall and bring half your home tumbling about your ears ?
11 He talked religion with the great Erasmus Darwin in Derby , preached to sometimes vast congregations from Unitarian pulpits — ‘ my Sermons spread a sort of sanctity over my Sedition ’ — and returned in triumph to Bristol with the names of several hundred new subscribers .
12 BELVILLE : A wife should draw a sort of veil over her husband 's faults .
13 It was clear that she saw the drift of his question but her answer was simple : ‘ Granny seemed to exercise a sort of spell over her sons , her husband too , I think .
14 An individual can not , for instance , as such have a right of way over my land , but only as owner of some adjacent piece of land .
15 Buckmaster , hands clasped behind his erect back , paced the room restlessly , pushed a shock of hair over his head .
16 THE United Nations appeared to have exhausted the options last night for avoiding a showdown with Libya over its refusal to extradite two Lockerbie bombing suspects , writes Alan Philps , Diplomatic Correspondent .
17 Theda had been obliged to retire from the room after receiving a deluge of dust over her person when attacking the top of a wide dresser .
18 Caught in the Frame ( Collins Willow , £19.99 ) : Pictures of a naked man , with nothing left to the imagination , playing the cover drive would , under most circumstances , send traditional cricket followers into a state of apoplexy over their pink gins .
19 ( 1986b ) for the link between childhood lack of care , premarital pregnancy and adult risk of depression , for instance , was that the early adversities militated against the child developing a sense of control over her life , and exercising it .
20 We will then look at some coping strategies such as muscle relaxation , breathing exercises , distraction techniques , and positive self-talk , which will help you to develop a sense of control over your symptoms .
21 The shock and mystery of two tragic and violent deaths jostled for attention with a sense of uncertainty over her future relationship with Barney .
22 Pattern-notes ( sometimes called " mind-maps " ) can fulfil many of your basic requirements of analytical note-making and they have a number of advantages over their over-used linear equivalent .
23 So one day I poured a cup of coffee over his head .
24 The highly publicised court case brought unwelcome notoriety to Bremner , casting a shadow of doubt over his career and causing untold misery to his family .
25 One adverse critic of Dustin 's performance was the young and eccentric English actor Victor Henry , who , on seeing Dustin in a bar after the show , emptied a glass of beer over his head .
26 I du n no mate , someone Nick 's house cos I wanted to put a lot of stuff over my shed cos that garage is getting a bit congested
27 ‘ In fact it 's quite a good position to be in , ’ she says , ‘ in that you do have a lot of control over your future .
28 This was emphasised by those heads of department who had taken a lot of time over their self-appraisal and who claimed that as a consequence other things had had to suffer .
29 Dependence on bureaucracies ( local authorities , the NHS , the social security system ) is said to present people with a lack of control over their own lives , to damage the spirit of independence .
30 With particular transactions , such as the import of goods , it might be possible for an agency financing them to have ‘ possession and custody ’ of the goods by a system of control over their warehousing .
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