Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You see , he is adaptable , and has managed to fill his days and pay his way by having a go at a variety of jobs that he 'd never have contemplated three or four years ago .
2 It 's a bit of stinker that she 's not coming .
3 Yes , I thought that was a bit of flab that we 've got
4 Yes , I mean the other thing is if we are absolutely honest , which we should n't be with a microphone in front of us but , if we 're absolutely honest , you know this , this is a bit of work that we 're trying to make simple
5 supposed to be an inter-disciplinary mixture of physics and chemistry , in other words , not a bit of physics and a bit of chemistry that you did in isolation , but to be integrated .
6 It 's a bit dull , but it does actually provide you with a level of income that you want .
7 Always a figure of abuse from the terracing , the taunts of ‘ fixer ’ , ‘ cheat ’ and ‘ bribing bastard ’ brought a level of loathing that he found unacceptable .
8 But with the group albums , and this one , there is a level of detail that I want to get which just takes time .
9 A MediaStar source says : ‘ There was no battle over who should take charge of a merged media operation , simply a decision by clients that they would rather continue with the same team .
10 It 's not as if there was a stash of notes that he could extort from Stone and take away with him .
11 We will just , let's , let's threaten him that , that might be a course of action that we 're gon na have to re we will have , we will have
12 Did you ever have the feeling that you were almost more a part of management that you were a representative of the workforce ?
13 There is a need to help those who are lonely to feel sufficiently secure in themselves , and sufficiently still a part of life that they want to keep up the struggle to go on coping ( see case study 4:1 ) .
14 She did n't exactly like him , either , but he had a kind of integrity that you did n't find in many people — not even in Belle , really , because Belle 's attitude , although always straightforward , varied according to what she thought about you .
15 ‘ At that time , the Japanese economy was very bad , we did n't have money and it was a kind of dream that we would be able to spend a couple of years outside Japan . ’
16 There was an anachronistic feel to my whole life , a kind of alienation that I could n't quite understand .
17 The sight of all which struck them with consternation or a kind of horror that they incontinently gave over search and with the utmost hurry and dread , throwing earth and turf to fill up the pit they made , they departed , having neither of them the courage to enter or even inspect into the further circumstances of the place ’ .
18 Comments which she had made to the Washington Post after the Los Angeles riots — including the remark that " if black people kill black people every day , why not have a week killing white people ? " — were , Clinton said , " filled with a kind of hatred that you do not honour tonight " .
19 it 's a kind of thing that I think could be put and take and people could pick up at the box office
20 It 's er a kind of foam that they use for insulation .
21 But we do have a measure of optimism that they might reflect themselves in further years like ninety two/ninety three and onwards .
22 Is not it a blight on Scotland that we can not provide homes for our homeless , including those who are still kids ?
23 This in part reflects the view of a majority of colleges that they have now reached the optimum size for operating as a cohesive academic unit and do not envisage any growth of total student numbers ( although of these a significant proportion has indicated that they wish to change the ‘ mix ’ of students , by admitting more graduate students in place of undergraduates ) .
24 It was not until she was in the sitting room , leaning forward to put her precious parcel on a table , that she realized with a flash of panic that she was not alone .
25 It is within such a framework of thought that it is contended that a priest must necessarily be male .
26 But we are thrown a hint that his triumph is hardly long-lived , for when he stands , alone , high above the still forms of the dead below , it is not a look of satisfaction that he throws us , but one of puzzlement at his own work .
27 And Folly was suddenly swept with a wave of gratitude that it had been her assistant who had uncovered her secret , and not the pompous Miss Philimore .
28 She shuddered , half laughing , the joy reaching her heart and enveloping her in such a wave of pleasure that she felt weak-kneed .
29 Thus if a seller entrusts identified and appropriated goods to a carrier with instructions that they be conveyed to the buyer but not handed over until the buyer has paid , the goods will remain the seller 's property until the buyer pays for them .
30 He took his time ; first cutting the cigar , then heating its tip with a succession of matches that he carelessly and provocatively dropped on to Wavebreaker 's scrubbed deck .
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