Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [vb -s] over " in BNC.

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1 A veil of ignorance hangs over the moment of creation .
2 A difficulty of interpretation arises over the question whether it must be the constable who warns who effects the arrest .
3 A look of bewilderment comes over the faces of visitors who can not comprehend why some supporters will not go to watch the national side simply because they are playing on Rangers ' ground .
4 As the ‘ degree of control a person or a collectivity of people exercises over the actions of others ’ the sociological examination of power is conventionally linked with male-oriented stratification analysis , and with the analysis of formal institutions such as government .
5 Everywhere bells ring the alarm ; a surge of fear sweeps over the countryside .
6 A piece of paper comes over the pine counter with five numbers on it .
7 Wherever you look , water glints and a collage of spinnakers billows over Perth Water .
8 Reassurance is another matter , except at the level where all great art reassures ; for a spirit of slippage presides over The Possessed .
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