Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [verb] he had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I had n't even made the connection until a friend mentioned he had seen Tim in the papers with all the Princess Anne business . ’
2 A man said he had breathed for ages and felt nothing .
3 A DISGRACED professor who contrived a scheme to defraud the University of Stirling of almost £15,000 escaped a prison sentence yesterday after a sheriff heard he had paid the money back .
4 On Sept. 27 Ceausescu was released from custody for 90 days to undergo medical treatment for chronic cirrhosis of the liver ( a condition reportedly complicated by a stab wound he had received from one of the revolutionary mob moments after his Dec. 22 television appearance ) .
5 Without declaring for or against the coup , Sukarno issued an ordinance stating he had taken over command of the armed forces .
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