Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [verb] in [noun] a " in BNC.

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1 The decision not to simply take over the entire MoMA show was made partly on the grounds that the Pompidou has already mounted a major Matisse retrospective ( in 1971 ) , and partly through a desire to study in depth a period of the artist 's life now viewed as fundamental for the development of twentieth-century painting .
2 A MAN died in hospital a week after taken a knock on the head while playing football , a fatal accident inquiry heard yesterday .
3 Speaking at the league 's annual meeting in Walsall , McKeag added : ‘ There was very little detail involved and we are not in a position to investigate in detail a club 's financial situation nor would we be able to impose any sanctions against a club which was not in breach of regulations .
4 The Bill provides a scheme to recreate in Scotland a Parliament with all the dignity and style to which the Scottish people are entitled .
5 AT LAST the electors have an opportunity to put in power a government that will look after the needy instead of the greedy .
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