Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [verb] [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 What sort of a racehorse d' you think you get for a hundred quid ?
2 What sort of a gom do you take me for ?
3 ‘ Every time a cheque bounces it costs me £3 in bank charges .
4 What kind of a lecher did she think he was ?
5 If a fault develops you know you can contact us 24 hours a day , 365 days a year … and we 'll get the problem fixed within 24 hours .
6 Could they sack the shareholder ? i i if there 's a shareholder do they sack him ?
7 It 's a crime to let them do it , a bloody crime . ’
8 A Brazilian said it reminded him of London during the Falklands war .
9 A cashier thought she recognized him as the man who had done it .
10 A witness says she saw them knock on the door . ’
11 ‘ It 's an absolutely instinctive reaction — if a child falls you pick it up , ’ she said .
12 A bloke told us to watch it because there was a police car around the corner taking names and addresses .
13 There was a harshness on his face as he moved towards her , a determination to make her tell him the answers he sought , and she looked away .
14 it 's like a cartoon have you seen it ?
15 ‘ What kind of a fool do you think I am ! ’
16 ‘ Several people who were present say he was n't , and a cabby says he delivered him to the Post on Friday afternoon .
17 They have a right to feel I owe them something .
18 But , I , what I ca n't understand is , why all of a sudden does he want her back and see the children , well for over a year he kept her away ?
19 Not for a moment do I want you to believe unthinkingly in what I say .
20 ‘ What the hell sort of a job do you think it is ?
21 ‘ What kind of a person do you take me for ? ’
22 The closest they came was in the mid-Eighties when their group , Trash , Flash And Money — ‘ straight down-the-line uninteresting Billy Idol rock music ’ — was signed to a development deal by Capitol records in America ( in a development deal they give you some money while they decide whether you are any cop after all ) .
23 However , a friend says he saw her with refugees .
24 Only a quarter said they did it for love and just over one in six admitted it was a drunken fling .
25 With a Standing Order you tell us how much to pay and when .
26 Yeah , no wait a minute let her tell you what I not mean when he comes over our house I always give some .
27 But if you overwrite the first twenty factory patches , there 's a procedure allowing you to call them up again anyway ( as per most digital devices ) , so all 's not lost .
28 ‘ What kind of a woman do you think I am , Li Yuan ?
29 Like a signal to let you know I want just to talk .
30 It may be during your first week at work when a colleague asks you to join him or her in a group activity , such as a drink after work with friends .
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