Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun sg] of [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 Faced with a persistent excess of expenditure over income , they may cut student numbers or they may increase income .
2 In terms of findings , Woodward 's 60 per cent cognate score for American and French Sign Languages represents quite a low degree of similarity over what one would expect from any two unrelated sign languages , and this suggests that ASL and French Sign Language are not very closely related .
3 And so , i I mean it was to me it was a total waste of time over there !
4 While the Americans retained control of the warheads , the British in this instance enjoyed a definite power of veto over their use .
5 He pointed out that a cubic metre of air over the affected forests had been found to contain 400 mainly unknown but man-made organic compounds .
6 ‘ Mixed Up ’ is a veritable victory of pride over prejudice .
7 ‘ Mixed Up ’ is a veritable victory of pride over prejudice .
8 The Orbital 's two-phase ( air blast ) direct injection fuelling system , which adds a finely atomised fuel charge to the cylinder only after the exhaust port has been covered , eliminates the economy and emissions problems of old while providing a high degree of control over charge stratification .
9 This has the advantage of establishing a high degree of control over the target utterance and , if the child is co-operating , it is possible to make a direct comparison between the utterance the child was attempting to produce and what the child actually said .
10 At one extreme lie true experimental procedures , which demand a high degree of control over possible confounding factors .
11 In the 1980s , the tendency for political power to be concentrated at the centre has been carried a stage further by a prime minister sufficiently determined and resourceful to achieve a high level of dominance over her cabinet colleagues .
12 He subsequently concluded that , in spite of his own intentions , it was still too deeply coloured by the thought of Kierkegaard and Heidegger , that it gave faith a wrong kind of priority over revelation in the arrangement of its material , and that its account of faith was more Existentialist than Christian .
13 This diffuseness was paralleled by a marked degree of confusion over the appropriate research methods to use in empirical studies .
14 With the Government facing a fresh possibility of defeat over the controversial social chapter , tensions erupted as loyal heavyweights turned on the rebels during a heated half-hour clash .
15 ‘ The basic concept was that there should be a period of restraint to redress the balance of what has been a tremendous amount of development over the years , ’ he said , referring to the support the parish council had given to county and district while they were drawing up their local plans .
16 ‘ We have lost a tremendous amount of trade over the 14 months that the construction work has been going on and we should have been told exactly what was happening , ’ he said .
17 An objective is a quantitative statement of improvement over time of some aspect of the follower 's activities .
18 According to John Rogers , who knew Miller , a serious difference of opinion over the publication of some of the Society 's proceedings caused the break-up and , he says , ‘ the opponents of the publication demanded their papers from Miller , who immediately gave them up , having , however , with his usual foresight , taken a copy of each , otherwise their valuable contents would most likely have been lost to the world . ’
19 When the haoles took everything , surfing became a gesture of revolt , a symbolic reassertion of power over superior forces .
20 Thus we require participatory democracy to give the individual a real measure of control over the life and structure of his/her environment .
21 Yet the tsar replaced Putiatin with Golovnin , appointed a commission which " conducted the most extensive investigation into the idea of a Russian university ever undertaken by the old regime " , took advice even from the liberal Professor Kavelin , and introduced a law which improved the funding of universities , gave professors a large degree of control over university affairs , maintained the principle that universities were open to all classes of the community , and allowed universities to go on dedicating themselves , first and foremost , to the study of the liberal arts .
22 Even when industries were not state owned there were various other instruments by which government actually exercised a large measure of control over the private sector .
23 Their agreement was the first based on profit-sharing as well as retention of copyright , which gave him a large measure of control over publication and future working of the copyrights .
24 In 1891 , when shipbuilding was distressed , Harland was persuaded to introduce a system of cost plus contracts for favoured customers which secured a large volume of business over the next four years .
25 After breakfast we left the inn and got on the track , which , with care , need not be lost sight of in good weather , except in haze or severe rain , when there is danger at one or two places , where a ceaseless flow of moisture over a rich soil keeps the grass so green and the ground so soft , no path is traceable now and again .
26 Specifically , in the case of Anthony Miers , the Royal Navy submariner who finally came in for a teeny bit of criticism over his methods of disposing of German seamen who rather inconveniently surrendered .
27 So get it smooth , coat it with copper , polish that up a bit so it 's really nice and shiny and put a fine coating of silver over it
28 If it is the latter , then we are seeing a constant rate of rape over the last decade but where women are more willing to make legal complaints and the police and courts not willing to convict other than a very small increase in the number .
29 The optimum feeding method is a system which supplies a constant trickle of food over the day , which would keep fish active in the search for food for most of the day , every day .
30 Whatever internal dissent there might have been had clearly been silenced by a unifying sense of outrage over the city 's 37 dead .
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