Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] [prep] [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , a grateful girl like me can put up with a few bruises , ’ said Dolly , sheet and blankets up to her chin .
2 Yet , and very often , even a single emphatic conventional gesture performed in a moment of stillness can be tremendously effective and make a strong point in what may otherwise be a continuous flow of dance .
3 Jangling her keys more like a jailer than an attendant , she went to gaze out of a narrow window at what could be seen of the prosperous modern city , returning to peer over my shoulder and sniff .
4 As mentioned under clause 5.9 it may not be in the original tenant 's best interests for a subsequent guarantor to be able to limit its liability in this manner and therefore if the original guarantor negotiates such a limitation , a specific reference to it should be made in the guarantor 's covenants with care being taken that it is not a general limitation applicable to subsequent guarantors .
5 The Occupational Segregation project has a specific focus on what may be one of the most far-reaching changes to affect ecoonmic and social life ; the increasing participation of women in paid employment in Britain .
6 Something might be true although at the same time harmful and dangerous in the highest degree ; indeed it could pertain to the fundamental nature of existence that a complete knowledge of it might destroy one — so that the strength of a spirit could be measured by how much ‘ truth ’ it could take , more clearly , to what degree it needed it attenuated , veiled , sweetened , blunted and falsified .
7 A working title for it might have been ‘ How I Got my Way , and Was Proved Right in Everything I Did ’ .
8 The paragraph clearly spelled out the story of supplementary benefits and income support payments to fund care in residential and nursing homes , saying that it was a telling example of what could happen if change was made in an ad hoc way .
9 It is a defensible pattern in what might be called ‘ low-theory ’ fields , where people can learn to practise in some way and with some success without any theoretical preparation for what they are doing , although they may have had some relevant training at a lower level .
10 The difference between Figures 2 and 3 is probably not important , each being just a different representation of what can only be a pale reflection of the true state of affairs , just as any illustration of the body 's organs is but a poor reflection of its true inner workings .
11 For all his socialist language he was really an old style Tory Radical , despising the ‘ system ’ yet not possessing a clear vision of what would replace it .
12 The value of having a clear idea of what would be a realistic settlement and the fall back position can hardly be overemphasized .
13 The group 's remit was to credit back all unwanted items to stores : to give the storekeeper a clear list of who could order materials : to identify what key stores items should be kept on site : and to monitor every item received by the plant each day .
14 There is a clear distinction between what might be termed ‘ lower order ’ needs and ‘ higher order ’ needs and the strength of the model is based upon one level becoming dominant as the subordinate need is satisfied .
15 One of the things about when you are old and move to a residential home I think one of the important things is that you want to go and live close to your loved ones , if you have any , and it does just worry me that if you happen to be a person who is resident in and your loved ones live in , under these terms if you went to a residential home in you would n't qualify for the higher rate and that seems to me to be wrong .
16 The decade closed with the publication in 1959 of the Crowther Report : the work of the Central Advisory Council established by the 1944 Act which endorsed the principle of specialization within the sixth form and related it to a high vision of what should be represented by that most English of institutions .
17 Thus , not only will few cars enter Woonerven areas , but a high proportion of them will be driven by residents who will have a vested interest in the safe operation of the new street layout .
18 A high proportion of them will be synonyms — if the file is 85 per cent packed , for example , 17 in every 20 would be expected to be synonyms — and this will lead to rapid deterioration of the file access speed .
19 According to Eadmer there were over sixty in about 1080 , and a high proportion of them must have been Englishmen of the old foundation .
20 He puts great emphasis on the difficulties of prediction , and urges that where there are rules to which people do in fact adhere for the most part , and which help maintain the social stability required for any kind of good to flourish , we are likely to come nearest to doing what is objectively right ( in terms of its actual consequences ) if we also stick to the rules , but that where the rules , however useful they would be if generally obeyed , are widely flouted we should make a direct judgement of what will have the best consequences .
21 I think that for once we need feel no qualms in taking Diodorus as a faithful epitomizer of what must have been a compact and careful section of Posidonius on the slave war in Sicily .
22 Be careful during team matches if you are heavier than your opponent , because what seems like a light tap to you may prove a sledgehammer to him , and may result in a penalty .
23 There is no surviving record that Vial , or indeed anyone concerned , had made a detailed study of what would be needed to establish a College with adequate ensured finance , premises and staff , nor is there any indication that his interest extended beyond the horse , to include other domesticated animals .
24 This section gives a detailed breakdown of what may be required in your daily work .
25 At least the first time , she 'd only a vague notion of what might lie ahead .
26 But a personal reassurance from me will not be acceptable unless it 's backed up by a member of the Swift family . ’
27 First-hand experience is invaluable but only a limited amount of it can be arranged and you certainly ca n't have large numbers of trainees sitting at the back of the same class .
28 A typical objection against it might be that it involves an attempt to settle a metaphysical issue without first clarifying the conditions under which such an issue can be meaningfully discussed .
29 Thomas Bewick of Newcastle was the pioneer and perhaps the greatest exponent of this art ; his History of British Birds of 1797–1804 was a splendid example of what could be done , although his text was of no scientific significance .
30 It is characterised by one or more so-called ‘ opportunistic ’ infections-often including a serious form of pneumonia-which may be accompanied by Kaposi 's sarcoma — a rare cancer ranging in severity from relatively manageable skin lesions to major organ involvement .
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